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Nish: Better Activation Function with Both High-order Continuity and High-fidelity to Input Signals

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modified from [email protected]/apache/apache-mxnet/examples/image-classfication

Nish: Better Activation Function with Both High-order Continuity and High-fidelity to Input Signals

Author: Bo Wang ([email protected])

I want to post this work to arxiv, but I don't have an arxiv account, can anyone help me?

Introduction & Theorical Analysis

In deep neural netowrks, convolutional and fully-connected layers transform signals linearly, across different channels and locations, while activation functions transform signals non-linearly element-wisely. In the past years, many activation functions are proposed, such as tanh, sigmoid, leaky relu, softrelu, swish, mish and so on.

During these activation functions, relu is used in modern nerual networks most commonly. The well-acknowledgement reason that it defeats tanh and sigmoid functions is that the deriv of relu will not dimish when the signals falls away from zero. However, as negative signals will generate zeros in the backward proportion, the weights in the convolutional or fully-connected layers may become dead. Therefore, softrelu, swish are proposed. Recently, mish, which are very similar to swish, shows consistently better performance than swish and mish, But its difference and reason it defeating swish are not studied very well.

In this study, I analyzed the studies of mish, swish and relu, and make the following hypotheses that a good activation function must satisfy:

[H1.] The function should have continuous high-order derivative. SGD optimizer requires first-order derivite and ADAM optimizer may suppose the function have second-order derivitive. Therefore, we need the continuity for at least two orders.
[H2.] The function curve should have a flat bottom and small non-positive derivative on the left of its minimal. This gives the network the ability to store non-active feature values around or on the left of the minimal. The non-positive derivative on left of the minimal makes the net mapping non-active feature values to a more concentrate range.
[H3.] The function should not have symmetric parts, as this will lose unecessary information during forward.
[H4.] The function curve should have line segment with derivitive of ONE on a range that there are enough input signals fall into this area.

Hypothesis H4 is the most possible explaination that mish out-performs swish, as they have very similar values and first-order derivitives on the negative parts. The only obvious difference between mish and swish is that mish becomes identiy function earlier than swish as the input values raise, therefore, it transforms the postive signals with higher-fidelity than swish.

I conclude that the ability to transform enough signals with high-fidelity is necessary for a good activation function. This is because that the DNNs requires low-level features when making high-level features and the final predictions, which are generated in the earlier layers -- this also explains that why ResNet and densebox work: they provides earlier features directly to deeper layers. Activation functions like relu and mish transform positive signals with high-fidelity, then the activated features can be passed to where they are used directly after generated. That is why these functions have a better performance than their competitor tanh and swish.

Based on the four hypotheses, I designed a new series of activation function:

f(x) =

x (if x >=0 )
a_1 exp(tx) + a_2 exp(2tx) + a_3 exp(3tx) + ... (otherwise)

, which satisfies f(0)=0, f'(0)=1 (from both part) and f''(0) = 0 ( from both part). It is easy to proof that these functions satisfies H1, H2, H3 and H4.

Among the function series, the simplest one is:

f(x) =

x (if x >=0)
-2.5texp(x/t) + 4texp(2x/t) + -1.5t*exp(3x/t) (otherwise)

, which is named as Nish-t. The bigger t becomes, the smoother the function is. On the other hand, when t becomes near 0, nish-t will be more similar to relu.

Compared with Mish, Nish becomes identiy function earlier, has a more simpler fomuler, thus is easier to compute both forwardly and backwardly.

In this work, I applies mish and nish on cifar, minist and ImageNet in different networks (lenet and resnet) based on the mxnet official examples. The experiments shows (.......)

Experimental result

training scripts see []

##arguments: cifar10: max-random-aspect-ratio 0.1 max-random-rotate-angle 15 max-random-shear-ratio 0.1 random-crop 1 pad 4 resize 32 lr 0.05 epoch 270 lr-step 150,200,250

Act function Dataset Network max val-acc val-acc(epoch269)
relu cifar10,3x28x28 res32 0.9304 (epoch 260) 0.9297
mish * cifar10,3x28x28 res32 0.9328 (epoch 242) 0.9299
nish-1.5 cifar10,3x28x28 res32 0.9308 (epoch 220) 0.9302
nish-.67 cifar10,3x28x28 res32 0.9309 (epoch 260) 0.9287
----------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
relu cifar10,3x28x28 res110 0.9435 (epoch 249) 0.9435
mish cifar10,3x28x28 res110 0.9426 (epoch 206) 0.9412
nish-1.5 cifar10,3x28x28 res110 0.9409 (epoch 257) 0.9405
nish-.67 * cifar10,3x28x28 res110 0.9441 (epoch 244) 0.9418
----------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
relu cifar10,3x32x32 res50 0.9498 (epoch 179) 0.9486
mish cifar10,3x32x32 res50 0.9523 (epoch 268) 0.9520
nish-1.5 * cifar10,3x32x32 res50 0.9533 (epoch 185) 0.9517
nish-.67 cifar10,3x32x32 res50 0.9515 (epoch 189) 0.9509
----------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
relu cifar10,3x36x36 resx101 0.6810 (epoch 261) 0.6793
mish cifar10,3x36x36 resx101 0.7261 (epoch 157) 0.7173
nish * cifar10,3x36x36 resx101 0.7562 (epoch 164) 0.7495
----------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------


  1. Nish is at least comparable with mish, if tuned with proper t. It may be powerful in some situations (e.g. resx101, to be verified).

  2. It seems that nish-symbol takes more GPU memory during training, but is faster and have higher accuracy than nish-cuda_rtc. So I use symbol defination instead.

  3. Why resnext101 gets so poor result?

  4. I also write pish with 3-order continuity. I will try it to see if higher-order continuity is necessary.

  5. I will try res164 with 28x28 inputs.

to be continued


Nish: Better Activation Function with Both High-order Continuity and High-fidelity to Input Signals






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