Your cute Slack & LINE bot assistant.
You can play with Chopperbot in LINE by scanning QR code below.
You can get the help from chopper to calculate your bill with this syntax.
(For LINE, don't use slash, start with just split
/split NAME AMOUNT NAME AMOUNT ... [+v | +s]
The option can use to apply multiplication to all orders.
Note that the order of options matter in the calculation.
+v means add vat 7%
+s means add service charge 10%
Ex. Add a service charge
/split turbo 100 turbo 200 kendo 300 neo 400 +s
turbo 330
kendo 330
neo 440
total 1100
Ex. Add a share dish ("share" is for sharing dish)
/split turbo 100 turbo 200 kendo 300 neo 400 share 300
turbo 400
kendo 400
neo 500
total 1300
Ex. Add a discount (utilizing "share" for split discount)
/split turbo 100 kendo 200 kendo -1 share -100
kendo: 149.00 THB
turbo: 50.00 THB
total: 199.00 THB
Run the cowboy server
iex -S mix
Test by posting json data to the endpoint
POST localhost:4000/split
"text": "turbo 100 turbo 200 kendo 300 neo 400"
Run the cowboy server with the channel access token
Test by posting json data to the endpoint
POST localhost:4000/line
"events": [{
"message": { "text": "turbo 100 turbo 200 kendo 300 neo 400"},
"replyToken": "anything"
For the first time, add the remote to Gigalixir.
can be found in the setup instruction.
git remote add gigalixir GIGALIXIR_REMOTE_URL
Configure the required variables.
gigalixir config:set APP_URL=XXX
gigalixir config:set LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN=YYY
gigalixir config:set APPSIGNAL_API_KEY=ZZZ
Once you have the gigalixir remote, just push to build.
git push gigalixir master
The application will be avilable on
For the detail on setting up Slack application, please check