Welcome to my GitHub! I'm Sachin Kotian, a Bsc in Information technology who's transitioning into Software Engineering. I am building a solid foundation in backend technologies and languages. You can find me on tech twitter imsachinKotian where I'm currently enjoying #100DaysOfCode and Edabit challenges.
- Socket.io
- grpc
- NestJS
- Building projects and my portfolio website. Although, I think I'll wait to learn React before I build the website.
- Complete #100DaysOfCode challenge
- Build 30+ projects
- Become skilled in React
- Complete coding bootcamp by October 2020
- I Play games. cook food. Recipes and stuff.
- I will speak Japaneese fluently in 5 months or so.
LinkedIn: sachinKotian
Twitter: imsachinKotian
Facebook: flashnoob
Website: www.sachinkotian.com
From flashnoob (https://github.com/flashnoob)