This project provides a library that allows you you to integrate the swaggerUi with ktor
An example efrom the ktor-sample-swagger
is deployed on heroku.
This library adds some extension function that build on the ktor routing feature to provide an API
that allows this feature to automatically generate a swagger.json
file for your webserver.
routing {
get<pets>("all".responds(ok<PetsModel>())) {
post<pets, PetModel>("create".responds(created<PetModel>())) { _, entity ->
call.respond(Created, entity.copy(id = newId()).apply {
get<pet>("find".responds(ok<PetModel>(), notFound())) { params ->
data.pets.find { == }
?.let {
This project is a proof of concept built on a library to support this functionality.
There is an open proposal to include this project as an official Ktor feature here.