CGO bindings for jq with cache for compiled programs and ready-to-use static builds of libjq.
No dependencies in go.mod! 👍
import (
. "" // import Jq() shortcut
func main() {
// 1. Run one jq program with one input.
res, err = Jq().Program(".foo").Run(`{"foo":"bar"}`)
// 2. Use directory with jq modules.
res, err = Jq().WithLibPath("./jq_lib").
// 3. Use program text as a key for a cache.
for _, data := range inputJsons {
res, err = Jq().Program(".foo").Cached().Run(data)
// Do something with result ...
// 4. Explicitly precompile jq expression to speed up processing of multiple inputs.
prg, err := Jq().Program(".foo").Precompile()
for _, data := range inputJsons {
res, err = prg.Run(data)
// Do something with result ...
// 5. It is safe to use Jq() from multiple go-routines.
// Note however that programs are executed synchronously.
go func() {
res, err = Jq().Program(".foo").Run(`{"foo":"bar"}`)
go func() {
res, err = Jq().Program(".foo").Cached().Run(`{"foo":"bar"}`)
The full code is available in example.go.
The recommended and fastest way to build your program with libjq-go is to use prebuilt libjq static libraries, available in Releases. See local-build example for inspiration.
tar zxf libjq-glibc-amd64.tgz
CGO_CFLAGS="-I./libjq/include" \
CGO_LDFLAGS="-L./libjq/lib" \
go build example.go
Also, you can use libjq in a form of dynamic library available in your OS or build static library from jq sources. Either way, read below about jq sources and performance issues.
brew install jq
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build example.go
The recommended way for docker build is to use static libjq from flant/jq image available on
FROM flant/jq:b6be13d5-musl as libjq
FROM golang:1.15-alpine as builder
COPY --from=libjq /libjq /app/libjq/
RUN ... go build example.go
# Final image
FROM alpine:3.12
COPY --from=builder ...
Full source is available in simple example.
If prebuilt libjq is not an option, you can build static libjq in a separate image and then copy libjq to 'go builder' image. See this approach in a Dockerfile of flant/shell-operator
Go can produce static binaries with CGO enabled. You should use static build of libjq and add -ldflags to go build
FROM flant/jq:b6be13d5-musl as libjq
FROM golang:1.15-alpine as builder
COPY --from=libjq /libjq /app/libjq/
go build \
-ldflags="-linkmode external -extldflags '-static' -s -w" \
# Final image
FROM alpine:3.12
COPY --from=builder ...
See docker-static-build example.
- If your program works as a cli filter for one jq expression (like
command itself) you can use any commit fromstedolan/jq
. - If your program works as a server and process many jq expressions, consider use b6be13d5 commit and prebuilt libjq assets.
Long story:
This library was tested with jq-1.5, jq-1.6 and with some commits from master branch. The submodule jq
in this repository points to unreleased commit stedolan/jq@b6be13d5.
Which commit should you choose? Take these considerations into account:
- jq-1.5 works good, but it lucks new features.
- jq-1.6 turns out to be slow, see: stedolan/jq#2069 and flant/libjq-go#10.
- latest master have problem with
stedolan/jq#2091. - stedolan/jq@b6be13d5 is a commit that has features of v1.6 and a good performance and correctly handles errors in
libjq-go is known to work with Go 1.11 and later versions.
For faster builds we publish prebuilt libjq static libraries (and jq command) in flant/jq repository on Also, there are assets in jq-* releases in this repo on github.
build is known to work in debian:stretch, debian:buster, ubuntu:18.04, ubuntu:20.04 (and seems to work in alpine).
build is known to work in alpine:3.7+ (You can even compile your program using golang:1.11-alpine3.7
There are other jq
bindings in Go:
Also these projects was very helpful in understanding jq sources:
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.