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Releases: fivetran/dbt_xero

v0.6.2 dbt_xero

07 Mar 19:16
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PR #46 includes the following updates:

Bug Fixes

  • Update to the xero__balance_sheet model to ensure the calculated current_year_end_date field takes into account fiscal year ends which occur in a leap year. To address this, if a lookback is required, then February 28th of the previous year will be used to ensure a valid date is used.

Under the Hood

  • Included auto-releaser GitHub Actions workflow to automate future releases.
  • Updated the maintainer PR template to resemble the most up to date format.

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2

v0.6.1 dbt_xero

09 Nov 18:10
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PR #40 includes the following updates:

Test Updates

  • The unique combination of columns test within the xero__general_ledger model has been updated to include journal_id in addition to journal_line_id and source_relation.
    • This update is required as deleted journals may still appropriately be rendered in the general ledger; however, they will have no associated journal lines. As such, there may be unique journal_ids with a null journal_line_id. This test update will account for this scenario.


Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1

v0.6.0 dbt_xero

26 Jun 16:50
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This release of dbt_xero includes:

🎉 Feature Update 🎉

  • Databricks compatibility! (#38)

🚘 Under the Hood 🚘

  • Incorporated the new fivetran_utils.drop_schemas_automation macro into the end of each Buildkite integration test job. (#37)
  • Updated the pull request templates. (#37)

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0

dbt_xero v0.5.0

04 Jan 00:53
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🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨:

PR #33 includes the following breaking changes:

  • Dispatch update for dbt-utils to dbt-core cross-db macros migration. Specifically {{ dbt_utils.<macro> }} have been updated to {{ dbt.<macro> }} for the below macros:
    • any_value
    • bool_or
    • cast_bool_to_text
    • concat
    • date_trunc
    • dateadd
    • datediff
    • escape_single_quotes
    • except
    • hash
    • intersect
    • last_day
    • length
    • listagg
    • position
    • replace
    • right
    • safe_cast
    • split_part
    • string_literal
    • type_bigint
    • type_float
    • type_int
    • type_numeric
    • type_string
    • type_timestamp
    • array_append
    • array_concat
    • array_construct
  • For current_timestamp and current_timestamp_in_utc macros, the dispatch AND the macro names have been updated to the below, respectively:
    • dbt.current_timestamp_backcompat
    • dbt.current_timestamp_in_utc_backcompat
  • Dependencies on fivetran/fivetran_utils have been upgraded, previously [">=0.3.0", "<0.4.0"] now [">=0.4.0", "<0.5.0"].

dbt_xero 0.4.2

17 Jun 00:08
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Happy Thursday! 🎉

Bug Fix

  • Fixes duplicate values in net_amount field in xero__balance_sheet_report when leveraging logic to union multiple Xero connectors


dbt_xero 0.4.1

31 Mar 20:27
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Happy Thursday!

This release of the dbt_xero package includes the following updates:


  • Adds the xero__using_bank_transaction variable to disable the associated models on instances of Xero that don't include the bank_transaction source table. (#27)


dbt_xero 0.4.0

23 Dec 15:15
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🎉 dbt v1.0.0 Compatibility 🎉

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • Adjusts the require-dbt-version to now be within the range [">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0"]. Additionally, the package has been updated for dbt v1.0.0 compatibility. If you are using a dbt version <1.0.0, you will need to upgrade in order to leverage the latest version of the package.
    • For help upgrading your package, I recommend reviewing this GitHub repo's Release Notes on what changes have been implemented since your last upgrade.
    • For help upgrading your dbt project to dbt v1.0.0, I recommend reviewing dbt-labs upgrading to 1.0.0 docs for more details on what changes must be made.
  • Upgrades the package dependency to refer to the latest dbt_xero_source. Additionally, the latest dbt_xero_source package has a dependency on the latest dbt_fivetran_utils. Further, the latest dbt_fivetran_utils package also has a dependency on dbt_utils [">=0.8.0", "<0.9.0"].
    • Please note, if you are installing a version of dbt_utils in your packages.yml that is not in the range above then you will encounter a package dependency error.

dbt_xero 0.3.1

03 Dec 21:25
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Happy Friday!

This release of the dbt_xero package contains the following changes:

Bug Fix

  • The account_code, account_id, account_name, and account_type fields within the xero_general_ledger are now being selected from the stg_xero__account model instead of the stg_xero__journal_line model. (#22)
    • It was found that account names may be changed within Xero, but the account name within a journal line entry will remain the old name. As such, this fix will ensure all records on the xero__general_ledger and downstream models reflect the most up to date name of the account.

dbt_xero v0.3.0

03 Nov 18:54
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🎉 New Feature 🎉

This v0.3.0 release includes the following non-breaking changes. Please refer to the CHANGELOG for additional information.


  • Allow for multiple sources by unioning source tables across multiple Xero connectors. (#11)
    • Refer to the unioning multiple Xero connectors section of the README for more details.

Under the Hood

  • Unioning: The unioning occurs in Xero source package using the fivetran_utils.union_data macro. (#16)
  • Unique tests: Because columns that were previously used for unique tests may now have duplicate fields across multiple sources, these columns are combined with the new source_relation column for unique tests and tested using the dbt_utils.unique_combination_of_columns macro. (#16)
  • Source Relation column: To distinguish which source each field comes from, we added a new source_relation column in each staging model and applied the fivetran_utils.source_relation macro. (#16)
  • Utils Materialization: We have made the default materialization of the utils folder to be ephemeral. (#16)

dbt_xero v0.1.0 -> v0.2.0

Refer to the relevant release notes on the Github repository for specific details for the previous releases. Thank you!

dbt 0.20.0 Compatibility

20 Aug 18:11
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🎉 dbt 0.20.0 Compatibility 🎉

🚨 This is a breaking change! 🚨 dbt v0.20.0 or greater is required for this release. If you are not ready to upgrade, consider using a previous release of this package.

Additional considerations when upgrading to this package:

  • This package utilizes the latest v0.7.x release of the dbt-labls/dbt_utils package. If your project also utilizes a version of the fishtown-analytics/dbt_utils package then you will receive a duplicate package error. If this is the case you will need to consider upgrading your other packages to be compatible with this update or use a previous release of this package.
  • Similar to the above point, all previous Fivetran dbt packages utilize the fishtown-analytics/dbt_utils package and you will need to upgrade all Fivetran dbt packages to the latest dbt 0.20.0 compatibility releases in order for your packages to run without package conflicts.