(Only exclusively for CFS IIUM students)
I thought I would give a cheat sheet for people who are really lost on programming classes lol. Not to brag, but these files are very useful. Included my comments btw, for more reader-friendly. (ignore those file names though)
Just hit the green button to download the whole thing (or just click one of the files to view them) and have a good read. You can also compile and run to check them out. It'll always work guaranteed 100% i think? lol
- Your laptop or desktop PC (dunno about Mac Pro though, sorry Apple fans)
- Windows XP (why not, it's not a big deal) or Windows 10 or Linux or MacOS
- Dev-C++ or Geany for Linux or MacOS (pls save as .c instead of .cpp)
- Basic computery stuff and C language
- Your logic skills (not for close-minded people >:( )
- bingomatch.c - one of the project titles "Bingo Match" (not my project, just helping other people by scratching my head)
- chapter 4 problem 4.c - one of the people named *insert a girl name here* attempted to do chapter 4 problem 4 (complete but abundance of function calls, comments are just malay-ish) (use problem4.4.c instead)
- ex4.1.c to ex4.6.c - lecturer gave us exercise for topic "Functions", I only do programming problems (i hate pencil)
- ex4.6 - Copy.c - oops, i shouldn't upload it here
- ex5.17.c - same as ex4.x, but with the topic "Array", how to use and sort array
- ex6.1.c and ex6.2.c - same as ex4.x and ex5.17, but with the topic "String"
- lol.c - a copy of bingomatch.c, i dunno why but i should just delete it
- lol2.c - a smaller version of ex5.17, sorting array only
- oof.c - one of the code block from one of the project titles "Document Analyzer ver.whatever", testing out "strtok" function (i scratch my head the most here, you can see my comment rambling here lol)
- problem4.4.c - One of the programming exercises for the topic "Functions", better documentation than "chapter 4 problem 4.c"
- problem6.1.c - problem6.5.c - One of the programming exercises for the topic "Strings"