This repository contains the lab projects for the robotics course 2020/2021 at Politecnico di Milano. Both the projects are implemented in ROS, an open-source robotics middleware suite.
Given a bag with:
- 4 motor speed (RPM)
- simple odometry provided by the manufacturer
- ground truth pose of the robot (acquired with OptiTrack)
the project1 aims to:
- compute odometry using skid steering (approx) kinematics
- using Euler and Runge-Kutta integration
- ROS parameter specifies initial pose
- use dynamic reconfigure to select between integration method
- write 2 services to reset the odometry to (0,0) or to a pose(x,y,θ)
- publish a custom message with odometry value and type of integration
Given some bags with various data coming from sensors deployed on a Scout 2.0 AgileX robot, the project2 aims to:
- estimate the angle between the robot and the lidar
- build a map using Gmapping
- perform localization using both amcl and robot_localization