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[recursive placeholders do not work :( ] #166
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JavierCladellas committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent eb2a3f5 commit 0a9fee3
Showing 1 changed file with 156 additions and 0 deletions.
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions tests/configtest/
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@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
""" tests for the configReader module"""

import pytest, os
from feelpp.benchmarking.reframe.config.configReader import ConfigReader, TemplateProcessor
from pydantic import BaseModel

class SampleModel(BaseModel):
field1: str
field2: int
nested: dict

class TestTemplateProcessor:
@pytest.mark.parametrize( "nested_json, parent_key, separator, expected",[
# Case 1: Simple flat dictionary with default separator ('.')
({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, "", ".", {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}),
# Case 2: Nested dictionary with default separator ('.')
({"key1": "value1", "nested": {"subkey1": "subvalue1", "subkey2": "subvalue2"}},
"", ".", {"key1": "value1", "nested.subkey1": "subvalue1", "nested.subkey2": "subvalue2"}),
# Case 3: Nested dictionary with custom separator ('_')
({"key1": "value1", "nested": {"subkey1": "subvalue1", "subkey2": "subvalue2"}},
"", "_", {"key1": "value1", "nested_subkey1": "subvalue1", "nested_subkey2": "subvalue2"}),
# Case 4: Parent key with separator
({"key1": "value1", "nested": {"subkey1": "subvalue1", "subkey2": "subvalue2"}},
"parent", ".", {"parent.key1": "value1", "parent.nested.subkey1": "subvalue1", "parent.nested.subkey2": "subvalue2"}),
# Case 5: Empty dictionary (should return empty dictionary)
({}, "", ".", {}),
# Case 6: Nested dictionary with a list, using default separator
({"key1": "value1", "list": [{"subkey1": "subvalue1"}, {"subkey2": "subvalue2"}]},
"", ".", {"key1": "value1", "list.0.subkey1": "subvalue1", "list.1.subkey2": "subvalue2"}),
# Case 7: Nested dictionary with a list and custom separator
({"key1": "value1", "list": [{"subkey1": "subvalue1"}, {"subkey2": "subvalue2"}]},
"", "_", {"key1": "value1", "list_0_subkey1": "subvalue1", "list_1_subkey2": "subvalue2"}),
# Case 8: Mixed data types (strings, integers, lists)
({"key1": "value1", "key2": 42, "list": [1, 2]}, "", ".", {"key1": "value1", "key2": 42, "list.0": 1, "list.1": 2}),
# Case 9: Flattening a Pydantic model (BaseModel)
(SampleModel(field1="test", field2=5, nested={"innerKey": "innerValue"}), "", ".",
{"field1": "test", "field2": 5, "nested.innerKey": "innerValue"}),
# Case 10: Nested structure with empty list
({"key1": "value1", "list": []}, "", ".", {"key1": "value1"}),
# Case 11: Nested structure with empty dictionary
({"key1": "value1", "nested": {}}, "", ".", {"key1": "value1"}),
# Case 12: Separator with special characters
({"key1": "value1", "nested": {"subkey1": "subvalue1", "subkey2": "subvalue2"}},
"", "~~", {"key1": "value1", "nested~~subkey1": "subvalue1", "nested~~subkey2": "subvalue2"}),
# Case 13: Complex nested dictionary with multiple levels and custom separator
({"level1": {"level2": {"level3": "value"}}}, "", "|", {"level1|level2|level3": "value"})
def test_flattenDict(self, nested_json, expected,separator,parent_key):
result = TemplateProcessor.flattenDict(nested_json,parent_key=parent_key,separator=separator)
assert result == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("target,flattened_source,expected", [
# Case 1: Basic placeholder replacement
("Hello, {{name}}!", {"name": "Alice"}, "Hello, Alice!"),
# Case 2: Missing key (should return the original placeholder)
("Hello, {{name}}!", {}, "Hello, {{name}}!"),
# Case 3: Recursive placeholder replacement
("Hello, {{greeting}}!", {"greeting": "{{name}}", "name": "Alice"}, "Hello, Alice!"),
# Case 4: Environment variable replacement (e.g., $HOME)
("$HOME", {}, os.path.expandvars("$HOME")),
# Case 5: Nested placeholders (recursive replacement)
("Your id is {{}} and name is {{}}",
{"": "123", "": "Alice"},
"Your id is 123 and name is Alice"),
# Case 6: Missing nested key (should leave placeholder intact)
("Your id is {{}}", {"": "Alice"}, "Your id is {{}}"),
# Case 7: No placeholders (should return the original string)
("Hello, world!", {"name": "Alice"}, "Hello, world!"),
# Case 8: Multiple placeholders in one string
("{{greeting}}, {{name}}!", {"greeting": "Hello", "name": "Alice"}, "Hello, Alice!"),
# Case 9: Placeholders that reference other placeholders
("{{greeting}} {{name}}!", {"greeting": "{{title}}", "name": "Alice", "title": "Mr."},
"Mr. Alice!"),
# Case 10: Placeholders with spaces and special characters
("{{ }} is a {{ user.role }}", {"": "Alice", "user.role": "Admin"},
"Alice is a Admin"),
# Case 11: Placeholders with missing value (should return original placeholder)
("{{}} is {{user.role}}", {"": "Alice"}, "Alice is {{user.role}}"),
# Case 12: Handling of special characters in placeholder names (e.g., 'var_1')
("{{var_1}}", {"var_1": "value"}, "value"),
# Case 13: Placeholder with embedded environment variable
("User home directory is $HOME", {}, f"User home directory is {os.path.expandvars('$HOME')}"),
# Case 1: Simple Nested Recursive Placeholder
( "My recursive nested placeholder is {{x.{{a.b}}.y}}", { "a.b": "c","x.c.y": "z"},"My recursive nested placeholder is z"),
# Case 2: Deeply Nested Placeholders
("The final result is {{x.{{y.{{a.b}}}}}}",{"a.b": "c","y.c": "x","x.x": "y","x.y": "z"},"The final result is z"),
# Case 3: Circular Placeholder (Should remain unchanged)
# For this case, we want to test what happens if a recursive cycle is formed
("This is a circular placeholder: {{a.{{a}}}}",{"a": "{{a}}"},"This is a circular placeholder: {{a.{{a}}}}")
def test_replacePlaceholders(self, target, flattened_source, expected, monkeypatch):
processor = TemplateProcessor()
if "$HOME" in expected:
monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", "/home/user")
result = processor.replacePlaceholders(target, flattened_source)
assert result == expected

"input_data, flattened_source, expected_output", [
# Case 1: Simple Dictionary Replacement
( {"user": {"name": "{{}}", "age": "{{user.age}}"}}, {"": "John", "user.age": "30"}, {"user": {"name": "John", "age": "30"}} ),
# Case 2: Nested Dictionary Replacement
( {"user": { "name": "{{}}", "address": { "city": "{{}}", "zip": "{{}}" } } }, { "": "Alice", "": "Wonderland", "": "12345" }, { "user": { "name": "Alice", "address": { "city": "Wonderland", "zip": "12345" }}} ),
# Case 3: List Input
({"items": ["{{item1}}", "{{item2}}"]},{"item1": "apple", "item2": "banana"},{"items": ["apple", "banana"]}),
# Case 4: List with Nested Dictionaries
({"items": [{"name": "{{}}", "category": "{{item.category}}"}]},{"": "apple", "item.category": "fruit"},{"items": [{"name": "apple", "category": "fruit"}]}),
# Case 5: Mixed Dictionary and List Input
({"user": {"name": "{{}}","addresses": [{"city": "{{}}", "zip": "{{}}"},{"city": "{{}}", "zip": "{{}}"}]}},{"": "Alice","": "Wonderland","": "12345"},{"user": {"name": "Alice","addresses": [{"city": "Wonderland", "zip": "12345"},{"city": "Wonderland", "zip": "12345"}]}}),
# Case 6: No Placeholders
({"message": "Hello, world!"},{"": "John"},{"message": "Hello, world!"}),
def test_recursiveReplace(self,input_data, flattened_source, expected_output):
processor = TemplateProcessor()
result = processor.recursiveReplace(input_data, flattened_source)
assert result == expected_output

class TestConfigReader:

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