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Docker images for Fedora/CentOS/RedHat (official) packaging

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Docker Images to Build (Official) Fedora/EPEL Packages

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That project produces Fedora/CentOS-based Docker images, hosted on dedicated public Docker Cloud site. Those Docker images are intended to ease the maintenance work of official Fedora/EPEL RPM packagers.

That project initially took its inspiration from Alan Franzoni's own initiative.

Every time some changes are committed on the project's GitHub repository, the Docker images are automatically rebuilt and pushed onto Docker Cloud.

For most of Fedora/EPEL RPM packaging needs, picking the Docker image corresponding to the targeted Fedora/EPEL release is enough.

When the pre-requisites of the packaging procedure become too heavy, however, the Docker image may be amended so as to add that pre-requisite procedure. The preferred way to propose amendment of the Docker image is through pull requests on the GitHub project. Once the pull request has been merged, i.e., once the Dockerfile amendment has been committed in GitHub, Docker Cloud then rebuilds the corresponding Docker image, which becomes available for every one to use.


Kerberos authentication via keytab file

  • Create a keytab file:
$ mkdir -p ~/.keytab
$ ktutil 
ktutil:  addent -password -p <fas-username>@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG -k 1 -e des-cbc-md5
Password for <fas-username>@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG: 
ktutil:  wkt <fas-username>.keytab
ktutil:  quit
$ mv <fas-username>.keytab ~/.keytab
  • Check that the Kerberos authentication works:
$ kinit <fas-username>@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG -k -t ~/.keytab/<fas-username>.keytab 

Images on Docker Hub

Using the Pre-Built Fedora/EPEL RPM Packaging Images

  • Start the Docker container featuring the target release (<fedora-or-epel-version> may be one of rawhide, fedora37, fedora36, epel9, epel8 or epel7):
$ docker pull infrahelpers/fedorapackaging:<fedora-or-epel-version>
$ docker run --rm --privileged=true -v ~/.ssh/id_rsa:/home/build/.ssh/id_rsa -v ~/.ssh/ -it infrahelpers/fedorapackaging:<fedora-or-epel-version>
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ 
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ kinit <fas-username>@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
Password for <fas-username>@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG: 
  • Setup the user names and email addresses as environment variables for subsequent settings. They should match as much as possible with Pagure, the Fedora Git repository:
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ export FULLNAME="Firstname Lastname"
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ export EMAIL="[email protected]"
  • Setup the user name and email address for Git:
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ git config --global "$FULLNAME"
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ git config --global "$EMAIL"
  • Setup the user names and email address for the RPM packaging:
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ sed -i -e "s/Firstname Lastname/$FULLNAME/g" ~/.rpmmacros
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ sed -i -e "s/[email protected]/$EMAIL/g" ~/.rpmmacros
  • Clone a Fedora package (eg, Boost is used as an example here):
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ MYPACKAGE=boost
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ fedpkg clone $MYPACKAGE
Cloning into 'boost'...
Enter passphrase for key '/home/build/.ssh/id_rsa': 
remote: Counting objects: 1814, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1515/1515), done.
remote: Total 1814 (delta 964), reused 592 (delta 279)
Receiving objects: 100% (1814/1814), 2.09 MiB | 1.64 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (964/964), done.
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ cd $MYPACKAGE
  • Retrieve the source files (mainly, source tarballs and patches):
[[email protected] boost]$ fedpkg sources
Downloading boost_1_72_0.tar.bz2
################################################### 100.0%
  • Make some changes on the RPM specification file, potentially fix patches or even add new ones:
[[email protected] boost]$ vi $MYPACKAGE.spec
[[email protected] boost]$ git add $MYPACKAGE.spec
  • Build the resulting packege locally:
[[email protected] boost]$ fedpkg local
  • Another Fedora release (e.g., Rawhide here) may also be targeted thanks to mock:
[[email protected] boost]$ fedpkg mockbuild --root fedora-rawhide-x86_64
  • Launch a Koji build:
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ cdbuild
[[email protected] SPECS]$ rpmbuild -bs $MYPACKAGE.spec
[[email protected] SPECS]$ koji build --arch-override=x86_64 --scratch --nowait rawhide /home/build/dev/packages/SRPM/$MYPACKAGE-$MYVER.src.rpm
  • The build may also be done manually, to allow for an easier step-by-step approach:
[[email protected] boost]$ cp -a *.{patch,bz2,so} ~/dev/packages/SOURCES
[[email protected] boost]$ cp *.spec ~/dev/packages/SPECS
[[email protected] boost]$ cdbuild
[[email protected] SPECS]$ rpmbuild -ba $MYPACKAGE.spec
  • If everything went well, commit your work, update the Fedora repository and build with Koji:
[[email protected] SPECS]$ cd -
[[email protected] boost]$ fedpkg clog
[[email protected] boost]$ fedpkg commit -F clog -p
[[email protected] boost]$ fedpkg build --nowait
[[email protected] boost]$ exit
  • Delete the (temporary) Docker image:
$ docker kill infrahelpers/fedorapackaging:<fedora-or-epel-version>

Customize a Fedora/EPEL Packaging Docker Image

The images may be customized, and pushed to Docker Hub: <fedora-or-epel-version> may be one of rawhide, fedora31, fedora30, epel8, epel7 or epel6

$ mkdir -p ~/dev/fedora
$ cd ~/dev/fedora
$ git clone
$ cd docker-images
$ vi <fedora-or-epel-version>/Dockerfile
$ docker build -t infrahelpers/fedorapackaging:<fedora-or-epel-version> <fedora-or-epel-version>/
$ docker run --rm --privileged=true -v ~/.ssh/id_rsa:/home/build/.ssh/id_rsa -v ~/.ssh/ -it infrahelpers/fedorapackaging:<fedora-or-epel-version>
[[email protected] fedora_packaging]$ exit
$ docker push infrahelpers/fedorapackaging:<fedora-or-epel-version>


For any of the following features, an issue may be open on GitHub:

  1. Have dedicated Docker images per main development stacks, for instance Java, C++, Python, Ruby (e.g., rawhide-java, epel8-cpp, fedora37-scala)
  2. Automate regular rebuilds (e.g., once a day for Rawhide, weekly for Fedora and monthly for EPEL)