##Echoflect , a place where writers reach out to their audiences, and share their imaginations like never before.
feel free to contribute to my repo and follow the following steps:
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Amanuel-1/echoflect
Install the node packages
Better to use pnpm but you can use both npm or pnpm
pnpm install
setup the environments
now you are all good. you can just fire-up the site locally
pnpm dev
now if you want to be one of the users , you can just signin to the site, the moment you signup, you will be given a unique username, and soon, you will be able to change your personal informations including your username right after you signin.
Thank you :☺for visiting this repo. i would appretiate if you give it a star , recommend new features,contribure and add issues.