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Lizzie v0.7 preview 预览
- The New UI layout that used multiple independent panes that can be dragged out. (Press Alt+W to Turn On Design Mode that can be dragged out the Pane and Press Alt+W again to Turn off Design Mode).
- 新的面板界面,每个部分都可以拖成一个独立窗口 (按Alt+W进入设计模式,可以拖出每个面板成为一个独立窗口,关闭独立窗口则恢复成面板,再按Alt+W关闭设计模式)
- Add Config dialog (press Ctrl+X to open)
- 增加配置对话框(按Ctrl+X打开)
- Add Gtp Console Dialog (Press E to toggle and Auto Start if turn on the option 'print-comms' in the config dialog)
- 增加GTP控制台对话框(按E切换,可通过选项'print-comms'设置为自动启动,可在配置对话框设置)
- Add Menu Bar
- 增加菜单栏
- Add Tool Bar(Draggable)
- 增加工具栏(可拖动)
- Add Popup Menu
- 增加右键弹出菜单
- Support the Leela Zero 0.17 LCB, Press 'L' to toggle lcb & Winrate by @yzyray
- 支持Leela Zero 0.17 LCB,按L切换LCB或胜率
- Support the KataGo @yzyray and @kaorahi
- 支持KataGo
- Support the KataGo non-square boards (press Ctrl+X to setup)
- 支持KataGo非正方形棋盘(可在配置对话框设置)
- Support the KataGo greater than 25x25 board
- 支持KataGo越过25x25大棋盘
- Support view some online go games (press Q and input the game url)
- 支持查看一些在线棋谱(按Q打开并输入棋谱链接)
- Support Change the Move by shortcut Alt+M.
- 支持换子功能(按Alt+M)
- Add the Avoid/Allow Dialog (Alt+A) for the Leela Zero 0.17. (Will replace in the officil version)
- 支持Leela Zero 0.17指定或回避选点(按Alt+A)(将会被正式版替换)
- Allow change the komi by the GameInfo (press I) and the GtpConsole (press E)
- 允许修改贴目,可在游戏信息(按I)或GTP控制台(按E)
- Support the remote ssh command line.
- 支持远程ssh命令行
- Support more board size and can change by config dialog.
- 支持任意路数棋盘,可在配置对话框中设置
- Allow control branch move when mouse over the suggestion (Up/Down or Mouser wheel)
- 鼠标悬停在推荐点时,允许控制分支(按上下键或鼠标滚轮)
- Allow add the branch as variation when right click the suggestion
- 允许添加推荐分支,使用右键点击推荐点
- Support pre-load the engine
- 支持预加载引擎
- Refresh the engine info when change in the ConfigDialog
- 当修改引擎设置时,即时加载引擎
- Update play against AI (Press N), allow continue from current move
- 和AI对局时,允许从当前局面开始
- Reduce the board margin
- 缩小了棋盘边框
- Add Best Move & Branch Limit
- 增加了选点个数及分支长度限制
- Double Click the Move to Jump
- 双击棋子可以直接跳转
- Support persisted the window position
- 支持记忆窗口位置
- Show the visits per second in the title bar.
- 在标题栏显示计算量
- Support replay branch when press key 'R', replay interval by option 'replay-branch-interval-seconds' by @phiming
- 支持回放分支(鼠标悬停在选点时,按R)
- Press '[' and ']' to adjust the main board position by @phiming
- 按[和]可移动棋盘
- Press Alt+S to save the board as image
- 按Alt+S可以将棋盘保存成图片
- Press Alt+R to save the branch as gif when mouse over the suggestion move
- 鼠标悬停在选点时,按ALt+R可以将分支保存成GIF动图
- Change some description
- 改变了一些描述
- Logo icon
- 新的LOGO
- Support using the Zen to estimate scores (Press . or Alt+. for KataGo) by @yzyray
- 支持使用Zen点目,按句号,如果是KataGo,按Alt+句号
- Allow control the suggestion move information for #548, can config it in the tab UI of the config dialog.
- 允许控制选点显示信息,可在配置对话框中设置
- Fixed sgf tt pass bug
- 修正了SGF停一手的问题
- Fixed sgf escape char process
- 修正了SGF转义符处理
- Fixed some issue for sgf parse
- 修正了一些SGF解析问题
- Fixed clear board issue
- 修正了清空棋盘问题
- Fixed command quote issue
- 修正了命令行含空格引号问题
- ja_JP, ko, es, pl_PL, ru_RU
- panel-ui(true): Panel UI
- hold-bestmoves-to-sgf(true): Hold Best Moves To Sgf
- show-bestmoves-by-hold(true): Show Best Moves By Hold
- replay-branch-interval-seconds(1.0): Replay Branch Interval Seconds
- color-by-winrate-instead-of-visits(false): Color By Winrate Instead Of Visits
- board-position-proportion(4): Board Position Proportion
- limit-best-move-num(0): Limit Best Move Num
- limit-branch-length(0): Limit Branch Length
- min-playout-ratio-for-stats(0.0): Min Playout Ratio For Stats
- show-lcb-winrate(false): Show Lcb or Winrate
- show-katago-scoremean(true): Show KataGo Score Mean
- show-katago-boardscoremean(false): Show KataGo Board Score Mean
- katago-scoremean-alwaysblack(false): KataGo ScoreMean Always Black
- katago-notshow-winrate(false): KataGo NotShow Winrate
- show-katago-estimate(false): Show KataGo Estimate
- show-katago-estimate-bysize(false): Show KataGo Estimate By Size
- show-katago-estimate-onsubbord(true): Show KataGo Estimate On Subbord
- show-katago-estimate-onmainboard(true): Show KataGo Estimate On Mainbord
- scoremean-line-color(MAGENTA): ScoreMean Line Color
- gtp-console-style: GTP Console Style
- stone-indicator-type(1): Stone Indicator Type
Ctrl+X: open the config dialog
E: toggle the gtp console dialog
Q: open the online dialog
L: toggle show winrate/LCB
K: toggle the color by visits/winrate
R: replay the branch
[]: move the board
Alt+A: open the avoid move dialog
Alt+M: open the change move dialog
Alt+W: toggle the pane UI design mode
Alt+Z: toggle the sub board
The New UI layout that used multiple independent panes that can be dragged out. (Press Alt+W to Turn On Design Mode that can be dragged out the Pane and Press Alt+W again to Turn off Design Mode). Split the original single frame into the following panes: Main Board Basic Info Winrate Sub Board Variation Tree Comment
At the same time, each Pane, like the JToolBar, can be dragged out to be a separate window so that we can display
them on different displays. The window will restore a pane when the window be closed.
Avoid/Allow Dialog (Alt+A):
Gtp Console Dialog (press E or Auto Start if turn on the option 'print-comms')):
Change Move Dialog (Alt+M):
Config dialog (Press Ctrl+X): Engine wizard (Click '...' button:
- Choose a engine:
- Choose a weight file:
- Setup parameters:
Replay branch
- Support for displaying Sgf comments: press key 'T' to toggle comment graph
- Support read and write the Sgf with variations and more properties (TR, SQ, CR, MA, LB, MN and AW/AB/AE of Move)
- Support switch multiple engine heights "engine-command": "./leelaz --gtp --lagbuffer 0 --weights %network-file", "engine-command-list": [ "./leelaz --gtp --lagbuffer 0 --weights leelaz_172_b1c", "./leelaz --gtp --lagbuffer 0 --weights human_best", "./leelaz --gtp --lagbuffer 0 --weights elf_1_62b", "./leelaz --gtp --lagbuffer 0 --weights leelaz_157_d35" ],
- Support for custom theme and font, update new board and background
- Support save the winrate etc. into the comment of Sgf (need turn on "append-winrate-to-comment" in the config.txt)
- Support only display last move number: press key 'M' to toggle
- Support use mouse click to navigate in variation graph
- Support blunder bar in the winrate graph: press key Ctrl+W to toggle large winrate graph
- Support new key shortcut: Ctrl+Left(To branch top), Ctrl+Shit+Up/Down(To previous/next comment node), Ctrl+Home(To
clear board)
- Support use different color to indicate move node in variation graph: press key 'Y' to toggle black/white color; press
key Ctrl+T to toggle comment node
- Support detect the sgf/gib file encoding
- Support new move number in the branch, toggle by option 'new-move-number-in-branch'
- Enhance the variation graph display
- Fixed wrong winrate when playing a handicap game
- Fixed: Display latest stone for ghost dead stone
- Fixed some display issues
- Allow user turn on/off the border by option 'show-border', default is turn off.
- New theme 'yasnaya' by @ParmuzinAlexander
- show-border(false): Show border
- only-last-move-number(0-All move number): Only show last move number
- new-move-number-in-branch(true): New move number in the branch
- large-winrate(false): To toggle large winrate graph show
- show-blunder-bar(true): Show blunder bar
- weighted-blunder-bar-height(false): The move change below 50% increases the display height, and the above 50% reduces
the height. Currently only a simple weighted, the winrate change below 50% uses 75% of the display area, the above uses
25% of the display area.
- dynamic-winrate-graph-width(false): To dynamically adjust the winrate graph width, when the move number is large, so
can see clearly
- show-comment(true): Show the comment graph
- show-dynamic-komi: Show the dynamic komi by @alreadydone
- append-winrate-to-comment(false): To save the winrate etc. into the comment of Sgf
- show-coordinates(false): Show the coordinates
- black-stone-image: The black stone image path
- white-stone-image: The white stone image path
- board-image: The board image path
- background-image: The background image path
- font-name: The general font name
- ui-font-name: The UI font name
- winrate-font-name: The winrate font name
- solid-stone-indicator(false): Use solid current stone indicator
- shadow-size(100): The size of the shadow
- winrate-stroke-width(3): The stroke width of the winrate line
- winrate-line-color(Green): The color of the winrate line
- winrate-miss-line-color(Blue.darker): The color of the line that missed the winrate
- blunder-bar-color(255, 0, 0, 150): The color of the blunder bar
- minimum-blunder-bar-width(3): The minimum width of the blunder bar
- comment-background-color(0, 0, 0, 200): The background color of the comment graph
- comment-font-size(minimum-16): The font size of the comment
- comment-font-color(White): The font color of the comment
- node-color-mode(0): To toggle the node color mode (All node color -> only black -> only white)
- blunder-winrate-thresholds: The threshold list of the blunder winrate
- blunder-node-colors: The color list of the blunder node following the 'blunder-winrate-thresholds'
- show-comment-node-color(true): Show the node with the comment color
- comment-node-color(Blue.brighter): The color of the node with the comment
- D - Toggle show dynamic komi by @alreadydone
- M - Toggle show move number: [Not show] -> [All move number] -> [Only last move number]
- T - Toggle show comment graph
- Y - Toggle node color display: [All node color] -> [Only black] -> [Only white]
- Ctrl+0 - Switch default engine
- Ctrl+(1-9) - Switch engine
- Ctrl+W - Toggle large winrate graph
- Ctrl+T - Toggle show comment node color
- Ctrl+Left - Go to the branch top
- Ctrl+Home - Clear the board
- Ctrl+Shit+Up/Down - Go to the previous/next node with comment