title |
Computational Musicology 8824 |
- Representation Formats
- Darms
- Plaine And Easie
- Kern
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2:
- Homework: 6. Read In A File 7. Wednesday Class 8. Counting Things 9. More On Lists 2. Question: Why Is There No Output?
- Exercise: Odd Numbers Only. 10. List Comprehension 11. Functions 3. Exercise 12. Rhythms In A Polish Folksong 13. Substitutions And Regular Expressions
- Rhythms
- Key Finding
- A Brief History Of Key Finding
- A "Bag Of Notes"? 8. Keyscapes 1. Exercise #1 9. Exercise #2
- Wednesday 10. Today'S Plan 11. Windowed Graphs 1. What Key Would This Be In? 2. Looking At Confidence In The Chorales. 12. Exercise #3
- Chords
- Wednesday 4. While Loops 5. Exercise:
- Audio Analysis
- Beat Tracking 2. Beat 3. Pulse 4. Usage 5. Algorithm Structure
- Imports
- Audio Signal
- Librosa'S Beat Tracking 6. Listen
- Spectral Analysis
- Spectral Energy Flux 7. Custom Onset Strength Function
- Detection Function 8. Listen
- Periodicity Estimation 9. Autocorrelation 10. Dft
- Essentia 11. Compare Tempo Estimations
- References
- References
- Exercise
- Melodic Extraction
- Extra
- Algorithm Structure
- Load An Audio File
- Detect Onsets 3. Librosa'S Onset Detection 4. Segment The Audio 5. Fundamental Frequency Estimation 1. 1. Autocorrelation Method 6. Run The Function And Estimate
- Exercise 7. 2. Dft F0 Estimation Method
- Exercise
- Constant Q Transform
- Tempo Estimation
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Music Synchronization
- Dynamic Time Warping
- Compute Chroma Sens
- Dynamic Time Warping
- Audio To Score
- Fetch A Sound File
- Fetch A Kern File
- Sources
- Prepare Python (And Colab)
- Audio To Score Alignment
- Python Classes 4. Composer Class 5. Classes Have A 'Self' 6. How Are Classes Different Than Variables? Functions 7. Exercise 5. 1. (Review) Put This Into A Function Called Plot Spectrogram 6. 2. Place The Function Inside This (Slightly Changed) Bpm Class Creation
- More On Classes
- Review: A Melodic Extraction Class
- Useful Functions 1. Autocorrelation 2. Dft Method
- Make A Classifier
- 1. Getting Some Data
- 2. Split Data Into Train And Test Sets
- 3. Train Your Model 3. 3.1. Load Your Model 4. 3.2. Train The Model 5. 3.3 Get Your Accuracy Score
- 4. Make A Prediction
- 5. Grid Search For Best Parameters (Optional) 6. 5.1 Grid Search 7. 5.2. Run A Prediction Again
- 6. Interpreting Results 8. 6.1 Classification Report 9. 6.2 Confusion Matrix
- 8. Extra