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Lucide Icons for Django


  • Install the package via pip:

    pip install django-lucide-icons

  • Add module to INSTALLED_APPS within the main django



To use the template tag, add the following line to your Django project's file:

LUCIDE_ICONS_DIR = "/path/to/your/icons/directory"

The LUCIDE_ICONS_DIR variable should be set to the directory where you want to store the Lucide icons.

Then, you can use the lucide template tag in your Django templates to display Lucide icons. For example, to display the "home" icon, you can use the following code:

{% load lucide_tags %} {% lucide "home" %}

<!-- or using a class attribute -->
{% lucide "home" class="my-class" %}

The lucide template tag takes two arguments:

  1. the name of the Lucide icon you want to display
  2. an optional class attribute that you can use to add a class to the icon

It returns the SVG code of the icon as a string.

Since the plain SVG is rendered, it might make sense to wrap it in a "span" or "div" element to size it properly. Alternative approaches are welcome. Just submit an issue or a pull request.


Setup package for development

  • Create a Python virtualenv and activate it
  • Install "pip-tools" with pip install -U pip-tools
  • Compile the requirements with pip-compile --extra dev, -o requirements.txt pyproject.toml --resolver=backtracking
  • Sync the dependencies with your virtualenv with pip-sync

Add functionality

  • Create a new branch for your feature
  • Change the dependency in your requirements.txt to a local (editable) one that points to your local file system: -e /Users/workspace/django-lucide-icons or via pip pip install -e /Users/workspace/django-lucide-icons
  • Ensure the code passes the tests
  • Create a pull request

Run tests

  • Run tests

    pytest --ds settings tests
  • Check coverage

    coverage run -m pytest --ds settings tests
    coverage report -m

Git hooks (via pre-commit)

We use pre-push hooks to ensure that only linted code reaches our remote repository and pipelines aren't triggered in vain.

To enable the configured pre-push hooks, you need to install pre-commit and run once:

pre-commit install -t pre-push -t pre-commit --install-hooks

This will permanently install the git hooks for both, frontend and backend, in your local .git/hooks folder. The hooks are configured in the .pre-commit-config.yaml.

You can check whether hooks work as intended using the run command:

pre-commit run [hook-id] [options]

Example: run single hook

pre-commit run ruff --all-files --hook-stage push

Example: run all hooks of pre-push stage

pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage push

Update documentation

  • To build the documentation run: sphinx-build docs/ docs/_build/html/.
  • Open docs/_build/html/index.html to see the documentation.

Translation files

If you have added custom text, make sure to wrap it in _() where _ is gettext_lazy (from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _).

How to create translation file:

  • Navigate to django-lucide-icons
  • python makemessages -l de
  • Have a look at the new/changed files within django-lucide-icons/locale

How to compile translation files:

  • Navigate to django-lucide-icons
  • python compilemessages
  • Have a look at the new/changed files within django-lucide-icons/locale

Publish to

  • Fetch the latest changes in GitHub mirror and push them
  • Trigger new build at (follow instructions in admin panel at RTD) if the GitHub webhook is not yet set up.

Publish to PyPi

  • Update documentation about new/changed functionality

  • Update the Changelog

  • Increment version in main

  • Create pull request / merge to master

  • This project uses the flit package to publish to PyPI. Thus publishing should be as easy as running:

    flit publish

    To publish to TestPyPI use the following ensure that you have set up your .pypirc as shown here and use the following command:

    flit publish --repository testpypi


Please note that this package supports the ambient-package-update. So you don't have to worry about the maintenance of this package. All important configuration and setup files are being rendered by this updater. It works similar to well-known updaters like pyupgrade or django-upgrade.

To run an update, refer to the documentation page of the "ambient-package-update".


No description, website, or topics provided.



MIT, MIT licenses found

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