✨ This workspace has been generated by Nx, a Smart, fast and extensible build system. ✨
Learn more about Nx generators on the docs.
This is my playground, a place where I code with no rules, deadlines, or requirements. I have picked Nx as a build system to create a Monorepo that contains:
Personal portfolio and blog, written in Next.js
A content management system, using Sanity
A common schemas node module, written in TS.
The project is deployed on Vercel.
Portfolio: https://www.fouadbalhawan.com/
CMS: https://post.fouadbalhawan.com/
Portfolio: https://fouadbalhawan-com-git-dev-fbalhawan.vercel.app/
CMS: https://sanity-git-dev-fbalhawan.vercel.app
To execute tasks with Nx use the following syntax:
npm run build && npm run serve