- Make sure you have set your V_REP ROOT, if not open your bashrc file and add the following code
export VREP_ROOT="/path_of_vrep_folder"
- Go to the src directory in catkin workspace and clone this directory
- Use catkin_make to build the raw source code.
- Use source devel/setup.bash to have access to the ROS commands
- If you have to use new ros-messages of other packages in your V-REP scene, all you have to do is to add that message to vrep_ros_interface/meta/messages.txt. For instance, if there is a ROS package named pid_tune in which there is a ros message called testing.msg, in order to use that rosmsg in your V-REP scene, you will have to add pid_tune/testing in messages.txt
- If you have to add new message in the vrep_ros_interface package itself,create a new message in msg folder of type .msg say new.msg but make sure you add the message in the CMakeLists.txt in vrep_ros_interface package
add_message_files(FILES new.msg)
- Compile
$ catkin make
- In order to copy the new .so file generated, open the vrep_ros_interface package in src directory and type