- buat database postgres baru
- restore file
- run sql
- collection postman
init-project/Asset Management.postman_collection.json
- download package
go mod download
- buat file config
cp .env.example .env
- Jalankan aplikasi
go run cmd/server/main.go
- Set
file based.env.example
cp .env.example .env
- Adjust the value of .
file - Run this command to compile app
go build cmd/server/main.go
- Run the app
- Make new systemd service
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/jobs.service
- Add this code and then save
WorkingDirectory=/var/www/html/api-deepface-recognition/(Working direcroty app)
ExecStart=/var/www/html/api-deepface-recognition/main(compiled file)
- Run the service
sudo systemctl start jobs
sudo systemctl enable jobs
- To stop the service run this command :
sudo systemctl stop jobs
- To remove the service
sudo systemctl disable jobs
- You can check the service in the web browser using port which you already set.
- Build Image
docker build -t go-project-image .
- Run Image in Container
docker run -it --rm --name go-project-container go-project-image
: Main Golanghelpers
: All function Helperpkg/delivery
: All Delivery Layer (This layer will act as the presenter. Decide how the data will presented. Could be as REST API, or HTML File, or gRPC whatever the delivery type. This layer also will accept the input from user. Sanitize the input and sent it to Usecase layer.)pkg/models
: All Models layer (Same as Entities, will used in all layer. This layer, will store any Object’s Struct and its method)pkg/repository
: All Repository Layer (Repository will store any Database handler. Querying, or Creating/ Inserting into any database will stored here. This layer will act for CRUD to database only. No business process happen here. Only plain function to Database.)pkg/usecase
: All Usecase Layer (This layer will act as the business process handler. Any process will handled here. This layer will decide, which repository layer will use. And have responsibility to provide data to serve into delivery. Process the data doing calculation or anything will done here.)pkg/transformers
: All Struck to transforms dataservices
: Service for cache, db, and log