This C# library is written for handling Raspberry Pi GPIO functionality. It's a simple wrapper for Gordon's WiringPi library, a GPIO access library written in C for the BCM2835 used in the Raspberry Pi.
RPI.GPIO : 1.1
Wiring Pi : 2.32
Make sure your Raspberry Pi box up-to-date;
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Install mono-complete;
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
Install git client;
sudo apt-get install git-core
Most recent versions of Raspbian comes with pre-installed wiring pi library. If you don't have it install, follow the steps below;
clone latest version of wiringPi;
git clone git://
build and install Wiring Pi;
cd wiringPi
In order to work with the library you should create shared libraries;
cc -shared wiringPi.o -o
cc -shared wiringPiI2C.o -o
cc -shared wiringPiSPI.o -o
clone latest version of RPI.GPIO;
git clone
Compile the solution;
MONO_IOMAP=case xbuild /p:Configuration=Release Enterprisecoding.RPI.GPIO.sln
Run test application;
cd Enterprisecoding.RPI.GPIO.LedTest/bin/Release/
sudo mono Enterprisecoding.RPI.GPIO.LedTest.exe
which outputs following lines on my Raspberry Pi 3;
Enterprisecoding Raspberry Pi GPIO Library v1.0.0.0
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Fatih Boy
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Raspberry Pi Details:
Type: Model P3, Revision: 1.2, Memory: 1024MB, Maker: SONY
Looping Pin 0...
Note that; sample application will loop through pin 0. Turns On & Off.
More details can be found on my blog []