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Rolf Obrecht edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 20 revisions

Device "i-Telex"


System Comments
PC Linux OK
PC Windows OK
Mac OK



Command Line Arguments

Parameter Description
-I [<port>]
--itelex [<port>]
-I activates i-Telex functionality;
specify -I 0 to disable the server part (incoming connections)

Config File Parameters

Part Parameter Default type / range Description
ITelexClient tns_port 11811 number TCP port number of tns_host (tns=“TeilNehmerServer“)
ITelexClient userlist "userlist.csv" string filename of file containing speed dials, syntax see userlist_example.csv
ITelexSrv port 2342 1024 ... 65535 TCP port number (ports <1024 are privileged and not accessible for normal users)
ITelexSrv tns-dynip-number 0 positive integer Initially 0 (disable dynamic IP update). Set to own i-Telex calling number to enable dynamic IP update – must be agreed on with i-Telex administrators.
ITelexSrv tns-pin None positive integer < 65536 PIN for dynamic IP update; set according to i-Telex administrator‘s instructions


The i-Telex device modules allow for connection to other TTYs using the i-Telex-protocol. For detailed information on i-Telex see

Outgoing connections

When the module is enabled in the config file with the default values, you should be instantly able to connect to every i-Telex client as long as your piTelex knows the hostname and port of the remote system. The transformation from hostname:port to the subscriber number you dial at your CCU is done in a the first step via a local "phonebook" that defaults to userlist.csv in the piTelex directory; and if there is no matching entry, by a query to the "TNS" dictionnary on the network (TNS = "TeilNehmerServer" = subscriber server), whose address is hardcoded in the sources.

Note: An example of the required file structure of userlist.csv is given in userlist_example.csvin the piTelex directory.

Note: userlist.csvcan also be used for speed dials, as entries in this local phonebook always take precedence over TNS queries. But be aware not to use shortcuts that overlap with real numbers. If you enter a shortcut "83" that resolves to a specific hostname, all numbers starting with "83" will be masked and become unreachable.

Note: There are several variants of how piTelex evaluates and processes the dialled number. This can be configured via the global parameter dial_timeout and is described in SW_ConfigJSON#dialing.

Incoming connections

Incoming connections require the server part to be active, which is the default setting; to disable incoming connections, set port to zero.

Your piTelex instance will be reachable by every i-Telex client which knows hostname (or IP address) and configured port of your piTelex system. If the remote station is a piTelex system, it could add your number and hostname:port to it's local userlist.csv. The more sleeky way is to get an entry in the "TNS", so that you can be reached by a regular "phone number". For this you have to contact the i-Telex admins and send them a telex to one of the telex numbers

  • 925302 (Fernschreibzentralzeugamt Blumenhagen)
  • 531001 (Fernschreibzentrale Braunschweig)
  • 952996 (Fernschreibzentrale Rödental)

and include the following information:

  • your name and location (city)
  • your telex id (answerback) (e.g. 123456 mytelex d)
  • Desired subscriber number (at least five digits; should be the first part of your telex id, if possible)
  • machine type
  • IP-address and port of your piTelex system
  • address mode (static, dynamic), see below

You will receive a confirmation message after the entry has been created; furthermore, your telex station will be listed and searchable at, together with all other i-Telex participants.

Note: If you plan to use the i-telex net more frequently, please consider registering at the telex forum; you will find there lots of information around i-telex and telex in general, and also many helpful people...


Do not touch the setting tns_dynip_number: 0 in telex.json without authorization by the TNS admins!

Setting tns_dynip_number to anything except 0 will enable dynamic IP updates with i-Telex TNS (Teilnehmerserver, Subscriber Server). Change to something nonzero if and only if

  • you've got your number approved by i-Telex administrators, and
  • you've chosen dynamic IP update and told i-Telex administrators so, and
  • you've set your tns_pin: <11111> properly.

Note: Up to now, pi-Telex cannot cope with IPv6-addresses, an IPv4 address is mandatory for your host. Dynamic addresses are supported via tns-dynip-numberbut must be agreed on with and configured by the TNS admins. If you only have a "DS-Lite" connection , you need to look for a way to tunnel your connections ( ... or join the team and make piTelex IPv6 aware :) ...

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