This is a simple tool for analyzing MINIAOD files for making L1T Muon performance plots very quickly.
Structure is pretty straightforward. The EDAnalyzer just creates a flat ntuple using slimmedMuons
, slimmedDisplacedMuons
, and gmtStage2Digis
while using some trigger information as flags.
Currently we associate offline prompt muons with Single/Double/Triple muons. For SingleMu we use the default SingleMu22/25, for Double/Triple muon objects for now we only use the newly added seeds for Run 3 (LowMass and BPH seeds for DoubleMu, TauTo3Mu seeds for TripleMu). The rest can/will be added later.
In principle it should work in any 12_4/5/6_X release. Example using 12_4_8:
cmsrel CMSSW_12_4_8
cd CMSSW_12_4_8/src
voms-proxy-init --voms cms --valid 24:00:00
git cms-init
git clone [email protected]:eyigitba/L1TMuonMiniAODAnalyzer.git
scram b -j8
cmsRun L1TMuonMiniAODAnalyzer/pset_files/
Of course, for running over big datasets, it's better to use CRAB.