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Plex Title Card Finder

David Aldred edited this page Dec 19, 2021 · 6 revisions

Plex Title Card Finder

Looks up any shows you have against the subreddit r/PlexTitleCards to find any matches, and flag any 'incomplete' asset sets in your library.

Direct Link to Source


Many users are starting to add individual Title Cards for TV Show Episdoes. One of the best sources of these files is the subreddit r/PlexTitleCards

This script will first connect to your Sonarr instances, and for each show in your library will initiate a scan against the subreddit for any submissions matching that name

The latest version will also allow you to scan your assets directory against your episode listing and flag any shows where you have some Title Card assets, but are missing some (eg newly released episodes)


Edit and run the script.

It will generate an output file listing all the shows where it found a match to a submission on Reddit. It will list the name of the post, the user who posted it, and a URL to that post


Create Reddit Application

In order to use this script, you will first need to register an application with Reddit.

  • Browse to
  • At the bottom, select 'Create another app'
  • Give it any name
  • Select Script as the type
  • enter as the redirect url
  • Select Create app
  • Make a note of your user Client ID & Client Secret that get generated

Alt text

In this example, my ClientID = TedNtE_IPeymH2g1ur8jhg and Secret = QGic1MO94WToqH0qBz4WhDM0Ttdqww

Install Praw

In your python terminal, install PRAW pip install praw

This provides a python wrapper over the Reddit API

Update the python script

You will need to update the Python script with the following;

sonarr_apikey = your Sonarr API Key

sonarr_url = your Sonarr URL

sonarr_port = your Sonarr Port (default = 8989)

client_id = the ClientID from your reddit application

client_secret = the Secret from your reddit application

Optional Setting - Excluded Users

If you want to filter out select users, you can add them to a comma separated list of users, eg

exclude_auth = ["user","user2"]

This is useful when you have a preferred style of Title Card, and want to exclude those that dont fit it

Optional Setting - Full Pack Only

Some submissions are for full seasons / full shows, and others are for single episodes. Use this option to remove single episode submissions


Where True filters out single episodes

Scan for missing assets

If you have any title cards in your assets folder, the script will not attempt to search Reddit for them.

However, it's possible you don't have all files present. If you enable Scan for Missing Assets, the script will compare your assets folder with the episode files you have, and flag any missing files.

You can control this behaviour via the following script settings...

SCAN_FOR_MISSING set to True to enable the Scan for Missing service

INCLUDE_SPECIALS set to True to include Special seasons in the scan, or False to exclude them

PRINT_SOURCE If you keep a source.txt file along side your assets, setting this flag to True will extract your source URL's and list the alongside any missing files. This helps speed up locating any missing items.

Script Execution

You only need the file.

Open a terminal in the same folder as the file

use the command


(Requires Python3. I have Python mapped to Python3)

this will create an output file for you to review