This project is to publish data from CloudWatch Logs Insights to Custom Metrics.
Please read this blog post for more details:
Project page in AWS Serverless Application Repository:
Must set:
- LogGroupNames - Comma separated names of CloudWatch log groups to query
- MetricName - A name of CloudWatch metric to put data into
- MetricNamespace - A namespace of CloudWatch metric to put data into
- QueryString - replace the default by something meaningful for you
Reasonable defaults:
- Dimensions - Optional metric dimensions definition in JSON
- GroupingDimensionName - A name of metric dimension used for grouping (default: 'Log group')
- QueryDelay - Time to wait before data available to query in minutes (default: 3 min)
- QueryGroupBy - CloudWatch Logs Insights field name used for grouping (default: '@log')
- QueryPeriod - Time window size in minutes (default: 5 min)
- QueryRetry - Delay between getQueryResults retries in ms (default: 1000 ms)
- QueryString - CloudWatch Logs Insights query to run
(default: 'fields @log, @timestamp, @message | stats count() by @log' - log entries number per log group) - SkipEmpty - Wether to skip empty query results or post them as zeros (default: 'true')
- Unit - Optional unit name (default: 'Count')