npm i @evva/nest-mqtt
Client implementation for an MQTT Broker that also supports shared subscriptions. Offers additional decorators to simply usage.
# Nest Build
$ nest build
imports: [ConfigModule],
inject: [ConfigService],
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) =>
host: configService.get<string>(BROKER_HOST),
port: configService.get<Number>(BROKER_PORT, {'infer': true}),
protocol: configService.get<string>(BROKER_PROTOCOL),
username: configService.get<string>(BROKER_CLIENT_USER),
password: configService.get<string>(
share: configService.get<string>(BROKER_SHARED_PREFIX),
}) as MqttModuleOptions,
When using the ConfigService, make sure that the variables are loaded before accessing them. This usually works as follows:
export class MyModule implements OnModuleInit {
async onModuleInit() {
await ConfigModule.envVariablesLoaded;
- Author - microud/nest-mqtt
- Author - sfw-e