This is a single repository for including all QA tools through Composer. If you install this as a require-dev
requirement, you will have access to it on development and CI machines but don't need to install all the dependencies when deploying to your production environment.
As stated above, the preferred way is to install it in your require-dev using
composer require --dev "evolution7/qa-tools=1.*"
In the ci-examples directory you will find usage examples for these tools in a Continuous Integration setup.
Included in this repository is also a collection of git hooks for use with the git-hooks tool. This tool allows you to easily share git hooks in projects, and organize them cleanly.
The easiest way to include these hooks is by first installing the git-hooks tool as discussed on its project page. To use the hooks in this repository you can then create a symlink from your project root ln -s vendor/evolution7/qa-tools/git_hooks
, or create your own directory and copy/symlink only the hooks you wish to use.
The following hooks are present:
- post-merge/01-update-dependencies - Runs a git composer install command and git submodule update after a pull.
- post-merge/11-grunt-build - Updates npm/bower and runs grunt build after a pull. This checks if a Gruntfile actually exists before doing so.
- post-merge/21-build-symfony-model - Symfony1.x build classes after a pull.
- post-merge/91-clear-cache - Symfony1 clear cache after a pull.
- pre-commit/00-protect-master-staging - Prevent commits to master and staging branches.
- pre-commit/01-composer - Runs a git composer validate command before a commit.
- pre-commit/11-phplint - Runs a lint check before commit.
Feel free to fork this repository for your own customisations, or to create pull requests for including your preferred QA tool, Git Hook, or even CI example.