This library contains Serially.scala
which allows to run tasks serially
The behavior is somehow similar to what actors propose, however it provides typesafety.
Also it is easy to write tests using
to avoid unnecessary concurrency.
This example explains how we can ensure that there are no concurrent updates to var state
val system = ActorSystem() // yes, we have dependency on akka
val serially = Serially()
var state: Int = 0
// this runs sequentially, like message handling in actors
serially {
state = state + 1
// you also can expose computation result as Future[T]
val stateBefore: Future[Int] = serially {
val stateBefore = state
state = state + 1
Basically the same as on previous example with less code
val system = ActorSystem()
val serially = Serially()
val state = StateVar(0, serially)
val result: Future[String] = state { before =>
val after = before + 1
(after, "ok")
addSbtPlugin("com.evolution" % "sbt-artifactory-plugin" % "0.0.2")
libraryDependencies += "com.evolutiongaming" %% "serially" % "1.0.6"