Simple bash script to build VMs from cloud images in a kvm host
You have to install the following tools before you can use it:
sudo apt update; sudo apt install qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager -y
# bash -h, usage: /virt/ -n|--name <VM_NAME> [-c|--cores <CORES_#>] [-m|--memory <MEMORY_IN_MB>] [-s|--sshkey <PUBLIC_SSH_KEY_FILE>] [-i|--image <IMAGE_FILE>]
"-h|--help" help info
"-n|--name" vm name
"-c|--cores" number of cores
"-m|--memory" memory in MB
"-s|--sshkey" path to public ssh key
"-i|--image" path to cloud image to use (ubuntu or centos)