Acme is a Zen-style text editor.
Using Acme you sacrifice:
- configuration files
- themes
- syntax highlighting
- autocompletion
- specific language support
- your favourite Vim/Emacs/Sublime feature
What you gain is that instead of spending too much time configuring your editor, you will focus on actual working.
The killer feature of Acme is how it integrates into surrounding system. Acme is not trying to be a complete environment by itself. Acme acts as a glue which links together other programs and tools. With Acme the OS becomes your IDE.
mkdir $HOME/9 && cd $HOME/9
git clone && cd plan9port
sudo apt-get install gcc libx11-dev libxt-dev libxext-dev libfontconfig1-dev
git clone $HOME/plan9
cd $HOME/plan9/plan9port
./INSTALL -r $HOME/plan9
export PLAN9="/path/to/plan9port"
export PATH="$PATH:$PLAN9/bin"
Run font server:
In case it's not installed:
cd /path/to/plan9port/src/cmd/fontsrv/
9 mk install
Have a look at all available fonts:
9p ls font
Try one of them:
acme -f /mnt/font/'Droid Sans Mono'/13a/font
I spawn Acme by running a
Who is who in bin directory:
start Acmeb
create an indented C-like block{ ... }
comment/uncomment selectioncommit MESSAGE
commit and push to mastercss
transform abbreviations into CSS propertiesf TEXT
find TEXT using The Silver Searcherhd SYMBOL
draw a pretty headinghtm
feed selection to Pughtml
HTML boilerplatei
indent/unindent selectionlstrip
remove leading whitespacet2s N_SPACES
tabs <=> spacesupper
convert selection to uppercase/lowercase
Put these guys in your $PATH.
Edit =
find out the current line number:13
goto 13th line:0
goto file beginning:$
goto file end:1,$
orEdit 1,$
orEdit ,
select all lines:1,5
orEdit 1,5
select lines 1..5Edit , d
clear windowEdit , < echo hello world
replace window body with some textEdit , < erl -man maps
replace window body with erlang manualEdit , s/text/TEXT/g
orEdit , | sed 's/text/TEXT/g'
global replace$%
current file name$winid
current window idecho some text | 9p write acme/$winid/body
append to the end of current window- keyboard shortcuts:
delete from cursor to start of linectrl-w
delete word before the cursorctrl-h
delete character before the cursorctrl-a
move cursor to start of the linectrl-e
move cursor to end of the linectrl-i
filepath autocompletionfn-*left arrow*
go home (macOS)fn-*right arrow*
go end (macOS)
- search with right click:
and justfoobar
search forward:-/foobar
search backwards
- press
to select the last typed text - press
again to delete any selected text Font
switch between fonts:/^hel
regexp match: lines starting with 'hel':/lo\n/
regexp match: lines ending with 'lo':/^b/,/^e/
regexp match: lines between starting with 'b' and starting with 'e'Dump
write the state of acme to the fileLoad
restore from the dumpEdit , > python
pipe window body through python interpreter- three-finger tap emulates middle click (macOS)
Edit +/hello
search 'hello' forwardEdit -/hello
search 'hello' backwardEdit , > wc -l
count lines in fileEdit , | sort
sort linesEdit 3,5p
print lines 3..5 in new windowEdit 3,5 | upper
lines 3..5 upper casedEdit 3,5 s/HE/he/g
replace on 3..5 lines onlyEdit 2 d
delete 2nd lineEdit 2 c/new
change 2nd lineEdit 2 a/new
append text after 2nd lineEdit 2 i/new
insert text before 2nd lineEdit 2 < date
replace 2nd line with the output of dateEdit ,x/^TODAY$/ < date
replace matching lines with the output of dateEdit ,x/Plan9/ |tr a-z A-Z
replace all instances of Plan9 with upper caseEdit 3,5x/^/ a/ /
indent lines 3..5 with 1 tab
You can do amazing things with Sam commands:
Edit ,x/Acme/ {
i/I love
a/ editor!
- select some text
- cut:
| sed '' > file.txt
- copy:
> sed '' > file.txt
- pipe selection to a file:
> awk '{ print(toupper($1)) }' | sort | nl > file.txt
start shell in a new windowpage FILE
view graphics filesweb URL
open url in your browser
Put in your .bashrc
## If inside Acme...
if [ "$winid" ]; then
## ... then patch the `cd` command
_cd () {
\cd "$@" && awd
alias cd=_cd