Info about running the POC on the openshift cluster:
Prepare config directory: 1.1. Rename config.template directory to new name: config 1.2. For every config file in the directory fill the remaining required data
docker/ - building all the docker images: 2.1. flink_java21 - original flink 1.18 with java updated 2.2. flink-node - flink image with additional diagnostic tools 2.3. flink-node-with-application - flin-node image with application contained in it. To only update application code only the last image need to be built.
docker tag metis-processing-engine-flink:1.20-java21
docker push
- Deploying on the openshift server:
3.1. paas/ - copy config files from the config directory to the openshift secrets
3.2. paas/apache/ -deploys apache server used for web dashboard on a openshift cluster it needs to have file: config/apache/.htpasswd generated
3.3. paas/ - deploy the whole cluster servers/services except the apache server on a openshift cluster, could be also use for config update
4Updating the cluster 4.1. - push the images again with a script in the openshift without doing the volumes part. only the containers.
- Prepare docker container Cassandra:
docker network create cassandra
docker run -d --name cassandra --hostname cassandra --network cassandra -p 9042:9042 cassandra:3.11.17
- Create keyspace in Cassandra:
create keyspace flink_poc with replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
- Create the tables inside the newly created keyspace using the file
- Login to the PSNC registry:
docker login --username <username> --password <passowrd> <registry-url>/ecloud-poc
- Create the secret containing the docker registry credentials:
kubectl create secret generic psnc-registry-credentials --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<user-path>/.docker/config.json
- Deployments that use images from the PSNC registry should contain the property:
imagePullSecrets: - name: psnc-registry-credentials
- Copy the
directory and update all the property files under theconfig/jobs
directory. - Create the secret from this newly created directory:
kubectl create secret generic jobs-config --from-file=config/jobs
Deploy kubernetes objects located under the
link. Update the ip prefix to the minikube ip obtained from:
minikube ip
kubectl create -f flink-configuration-configmap.yaml kubectl create -f jobmanager-service.yaml kubectl create -f jobmanager-ingress.yaml kubectl create -f jobmanager-checkpoints-volume.yaml kubectl create -f jobmanager-checkpoints-volume-claim.yaml kubectl create -f jobmanager-session-deployment.yaml kubectl create -f taskmanager-session-deployment.yaml
Accessing the ui by using the url link used in the
(to avoid the security warning)
Deploy the empty.jar:
curl -k -X POST -H "Expect:" -F "jarfile=@<path-to-jar>/empty-1.jar" ""
This command will return the<jar_id>
, note it down, we will need it later on some commands. -
Verify jar is present and get its id:
curl -k -X GET ""
Example running jobs:
Make sure to update the relevant arguments and the<jar_id>
Run OAI job:
curl -k -X POST '<jar_id>/run?' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "entryClass": "", "programArgs": "--parallelism 2 --configurationFilePath /jobs-config/ --oaiRepositoryUrl --metadataPrefix edm --setSpec spring_poc_dataset_with_validation_error --datasetId 1", "savepointPath": null, "allowNonRestoredState": false }'
Run Validation-External job:
curl -k -X POST '<jar_id>/run?' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "entryClass": "", "programArgs": "--parallelism 2 --configurationFilePath /jobs-config/ --datasetId 1 --previousStepId 046769e0-2340-11ef-9032-1dc7987fb168 --schemaName --rootLocation EDM.xsd --schematronLocation schematron/schematron.xsl", "savepointPath": null, "allowNonRestoredState": false }'
Run Transformation job:
curl -k -X POST '<jar_id>/run?' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "entryClass": "", "programArgs": "--parallelism 2 --configurationFilePath /jobs-config/ --datasetId 1 --previousStepId d1e23680-1da4-11ef-a5a1-ebe13220a167 --xsltUrl", "savepointPath": null, "allowNonRestoredState": false }'
Get jobs overview:
curl -k -X GET ""
Cancel a job:
curl -k -X PATCH "<jobid>"