ETAG-JSON is a format for capturing data and metadata associated with ETAG RFID readers and associated accessories. It builds upon existing standards, such as A full ETAG-JSON object contains information to uniquely identify the ETAG reader, connected accessories, RFID reads and associated accessory reads. JSON objects consist of key/value pairs where member values can be strings, numbers, objects, arrays or the literal values 'true','false','null.
ETAG reader metadata is extensible (tags can be added as needed) but should contain at a minimum: id, location, name, firmwareversion,
should be an RFC4122 compliant Version 1 timestamp/nodeid UUID. -
is represented as a GeoJSON fragment describing the location, most typicallylocation: { type: Point, coordinates: [ 0 , 0 ] }
{ type: "ETAGMetadata", id: "2fb767b0-06ba-11e4-9191-0800200c9a66", location: { type: Point, coordinates: [ 0 , 0 ] } [ { timestamp: "2015-01-02T110000Z", tag_id: "2fb767", FIXME}, { timestamp: "2015-01-02T120000Z", tag_id: "2fb767", FIXME} ]
- The reader ID should be string of 8 characters upper and lowercase ascii
- We should have a method to generate Reader IDs for boards that are already deployed.
- When we begin making our own new boards they should have an pre-set ID.
- They will not be in the schema until we have a new board design.