I have chosen the trains challenge, because it is a problem related to graphs which I like.
bundle exec rspec
On the root directory of the application, type:
ruby trains.rb -i <input_file.txt>
The input file MUST be an existent one. Otherwise, it will throw an exception.
First of all, I designed this code using Ruby because it is the language I am most familiar with.
- The route_distance_calculator.rb uses a simple interation to calculate the distances between nodes by using Ruby convenient each_cons.
- The less_than_maximum_finder, exact_stops_finder and maximum_stops_finder walk through the graph using a convenient recursive algorithm.
- The shortest_path_finder use the AMAZING Djikstra's algorithm to solve the problem of the shortest path.
- If I was to refactor this code, I would start using inheritance of exact_stops_finder.rb, maximum_stops_finder.rb and less_than_maximum_finder.rb
- Refactor Dijkstra algorithm using a priority queue