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Connecting to a relational db
nearby: Creating a database driver.
Create a simple database called education
CREATE DATABASE education; USE education; CREATE TABLE person ( ID INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID) ); INSERT INTO person VALUES (12817,'ericP'); CREATE TABLE course ( ID INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY KEY (ID) ); INSERT INTO course VALUES (6891,'Some LOD stuff'); CREATE TABLE enrollment ( person INT NOT NULL, course INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (person,course) ); INSERT INTO enrollment VALUES (12817,6891);
. you can instruct the sparql executable to pipe all queries to that database.
SPARQL --serve http://localhost:8888/SPARQL --stem http://foo.example/ed/ -S mysql://<span style="color: #f00;">user:password</span>@localhost/education
This tells the server to start on port 8888, that the query endpoint is /SPARQL
, that the stem URI (described later) is http://foo.example/ed/
, and that it can find your database on localhost in a database called education. Note that user:password will have to be replaced for your access credentials.
You can now point your browser at http://localhost:8888/
and ask questions like:
PREFIX person: <http://foo.example/ed/person#> PREFIX course: <http://foo.example/ed/course#> PREFIX enrollment: <http://foo.example/ed/enrollment#> SELECT ?perID ?courseID ?person ?course { ?enr enrollment:course ?courseID ; enrollment:person ?perID . ?courseID course:name ?course . ?perID person:name ?person . }
For a each constraint like:
?enr enrollment:course ?courseID
the predicate is <http://foo.example/db/enrollment#course>
. The stem URI is stripped off, leaving "enrollment#course", which is parsed as table#attribute. The resulting SQL query is:
SELECT enr.person AS perID, enr.course AS courseID, perID.name AS person, courseID.name AS course FROM enrollment AS enr INNER JOIN course AS courseID ON courseID.ID=enr.course INNER JOIN person AS perID ON perID.ID=enr.person
You can see this by telling the executable to print the resulting query with -npe, (-n (no-exec), -p (print), -e (query) ):
sparql --stem http://foo.example/ed/ -npe "\ PREFIX person: <http://foo.example/ed/person#>\ PREFIX course: <http://foo.example/ed/course#>\ PREFIX enrollment: <http://foo.example/ed/enrollment#>\ SELECT ?perID ?courseID ?person ?course {\ ?enr enrollment:course ?courseID ; enrollment:person ?perID .\ ?courseID course:name ?course .\ ?perID person:name ?person .\ }"
Row identifiers have a similar structure to table column predicates.
By example, <http://foo.example/db/person/id.12817>
is the subject identifier for the row in the person table with id=12817
There's more magic, but this should get you started.