This is the git repository for the ABS module of the Sphinx project
Step 1: Download and install latest python3 - Step 2: Download and install Pycharm IDE - (Alternatively to step 2 you can just go on with git and a conda or a virtual environment and then install the requirements.txt file)
From Pycharms' starting screen
- Check out from Version Control ->Git
- Copy the url "" url into "Git Repository URL"
- Press test and enter gitlab credentials if needed
- Clone
- Create new virtual environment (File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Intepreter => icon -> Add local -> ok)
- Install requirements from requirements.txt (Go to requirements.txt -> Press install on pop up)
Current Database used is Sqlite but it isn't included in github due to size so in fresh installs always recreate database
(If necessary: Delete both app.db
files found in the top level of the repo and
inside the app
folder and the migrations
file on the top level of the repo.
Proceed as outlined below)
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
Open a python terminal in the venv and run
from app import db
flask run