If you are having problems w/ the password not working, try and get rid of the optimizations in the Makefile.
[20:12:31] Moonshine: what's the server called [20:12:42] c0ol: WaRRNeT [20:12:44] c0ol: or something [20:12:47] Moonshine: lol k [20:13:02] Moonshine: warnet isnt bad actually
Startup: preload 4096/256 threads (16)
Main: accept connection check if they have not connected 8 times loop through all the threads and give new connection to one of them
Child (Thread) wait for events handle em :)
Client (Each and every bot) wait for out handle event to get called handle whatever :)
====================== For Us Coders, cvs 101
1) Add to .bashrc or .bash_login or just type it each time:
export CVS_RSH=ssh
export CVSROOT=:ext:[email protected]:/cvsroot/war-net
2) Check it out
cvs co warnet
3) Before editing the source, remember to update it each time
cvs update
4) Edit the source file, make sure your not working on a file someone else
is or we will start locking the files, which is a pain and we don't
want to bother with that :)
5) Commit your changes to that file, leave a nice description
cvs commit
Note: Only steps 3 through 5 will typically be needed.