The doctors-booking-app allows patients to book an appointment with a doctor. This repo host the react-redux frontend. To access the backend. Go to doctors-appointments-api
- A user can signup and login
- A logged in user can book appointments
- React
- Redux
- Jest
- Css3
To get this project set up on your local machine, follow these simple steps:
- Clone this project: git clone
- Cd into the cloned directory
- Install the required dependencies by using:
npm install
- run
npm start
to display the application on the browser. - Sign up with a username
- Enter password
- Enter your age
And to run the test on your local machine, follow these simple steps:
- run npm i react-test-renderer
- run npm test
👤 Eric Enaburekhan
- Github: @enaburekhan
- Twitter: @enaburekhaneric
- Linkedin: @ericenaburekhan
Kindly ⭐ Star this project on GitHub — it helps!
- Design idea by Murat Korkmaz on Behance