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A curated list of awesome bookmarks, modules, tutorials, blog posts, videos and other cool resources from the Spryker ecosystem.
The creators and maintainers of this list do not receive and should not receive any form of payment to accept a change made by any contributor. The goal of this repository is to index resources and support the community, not to advertise for profit.
If you see a link here that is not (any longer) a good fit, you can fix it by submitting a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!
- What is Spryker?
- Spryker Github Acounts
- Where to start?
- Useful Resources
- Good Views and Reads
- Communities and Meetups
Spryker is a Commerce Operating System that provides the end-to-end functionality needed to create a fully-functional commercial online presence for any entity in need of a modular, high-performing and scalable web presence. There is a Spryker Feature List available which gives a good first overview about what to expect.
- spryker - Main account.
- spryker-sdk - Lib and Helpers for Developers.
- spryker-eco - Contains a lot of third party modules.
- spryker-shop - Representations of B2C and B2B E-Commerce Platforms.
- spryker-feature - Contains features.
- spryker-projects - For internal use only, I think.
- spryker-showcase - For internal use only, I think.
- spryker-middleware - Abstracted Middleware.
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
-- LAO-TZU, Tao Te Ching
- Academy - Open Academy, includes some Cookbooks and Tutorials.
- Forum - Forum based on Discuss.
- Support Issue Tracker - Open Ticket System based on Github.
- FAQ - Official Frequently Asked Questions Hub.
- Code Generator for Modules - Creation of Boilerplate in a nutshell.
- Set of helper scripts - Helps in debugging of tests in VM by @narsov.
- Hello World Module - Understand how to add a simple new module.
- Spryker Fixtures - Helper for fixtures made by @dantleech.
- PHP Storm Plugin - Basic Plugin for PHP Storm especially for Sprykers special annotations.
- Debugging with Xdebug - Quite useful tutorial for xdebuf setup within sprykers pre-built VM.
- cd into your ~/Workspace
- git clone -b v2.1.0 [email protected]:spryker/devvm.git spryker-devvm-suite
- VM_PROJECT=suite SPRYKER_REPOSITORY="[email protected]:spryker-shop/suite.git" SPRYKER_BRANCH="1.0" vagrant up
- ./project on host machine contains suite files now, mounted to /data/shop/development/current in vagrant box
- vagrant ssh
- ulimit -n 65535
- composer global require hirak/prestissimo
- cd /data/shop/development/current
- composer install
- vendor/bin/install --exclude=demodata (remove exclude, to install demodata)
Note | Url | Default Credentials | Note |
YVES Frontend | | - | - |
ZED Backend | | [email protected] // change123 | - |
Rabbit MQ | | admin / mate20mg | - |
Mailcatcher | | - | - |
Redis | | - | (NOGUI) You can explore Redis with e.g. Redis Desktop Manager |
PostgreSQL | | development / mate20mg | - |
MySQL Server | | development / mate20mg | - |
Jenkins | | - | - |
- Reference vagrant repository for Spryker - Start local development here.
- Claranet Docker Image - Comprehensive docker image made by @claranet.
- Deploy Docker - Docker Stack pre-built by Spryker.
- Fond of Docker Stack - Docker Stack pre-built by @fond-of.
- Docker Shop Suite Stack - Docker Shop Suite Stack pre-built by @spryker.
Module Link | Short Description |
Stock API Module | REST API for stock updates. |
Extend ProductApi Module | ProductApi extends the Base Spryker Product Api Module. |
Zed API Auth Module | Authorization Module. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Cloudinary | Cloudinary Integration. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Contentful | Contentful Integration. |
Contact Form | A simple contact form for spryker. |
Module Link | Short Description |
---|---| | Spryker component für platform. |
Module Link | Short Description |
SMTP Mail | Extends the default Spryker mail module with smtp functionality. |
Optivo | Optivo Newsletter Integration. |
Inxmail | Inxmail Integration. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Minimal Quantity | Integration for minimal quantity. |
Availability Alert | Availability alert. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Minubo | Minubo Business Intelligence (Commerce Intelligence) Implementation. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Availability Feed | Creates an Availability feed. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Google Search | Google Search Integration. |
Active Campaign | Active Campaign. |
Open Graph | Open Graph Integration. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Tideways | Tideways Implementation. |
New Relic | New Relice Implementation. |
Loggly | Loggly Implementation. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Zero Paynent | Quite old, but good examle of how to implement zero payments. |
Prepayment | Prepayment Integration including bank account stuff. |
Refund | Refund Integration. |
Computop | Computop PSP Integration. |
Computop API | Computop API. |
Payone | Payone PSP Integration. |
Amazon Pay | Amazon Payment Integration. |
After Pay | After Pay PSP Integration. |
Ratepay | Ratepay Integration. |
Payolution | Payolution Integration. |
Heidelpay | Heidelpay PSP Integration. |
Braintree | Braintree PSP Integration. |
Billpay | Billpay Integration. |
Klarna | Klarna Integration. |
Adyen API | Adyen API Integration. |
Adyen | Adyen Integration. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Akeneo | Basic Integration of Akeneo PIM. |
Akeneo Middleware Connector | Middleware Connector of Akeneo PIM. |
Akeneo Export Connector Bundle | Akeneo Product Exporter with localized attribute option labels |
Module Link | Short Description |
Arvato Risk Management | Arvato Risk Management Service Integration. |
Module Link | Short Description |
Econda | Basic Integration of Econda Tracking. |
Google Tag Manager | Google Tag Manager Integration. |
Fact Finder Web Components | Fact Finder Web Components. |
Fact Finder SDK | Spryker SDK Implementation of Fact Finder. |
Fact Finder | Fact Finder Integration. |
- SOLID - You want to understand this. More useful stuff can be found here.
- Twelve Factor App - You want to respect this.
- Open Code - Thats why we can evaluate, but not use.
- How to implement a truly modular ecommerce platform - On the example of Spryker at code.talks commerce special 2017.
- Spryker Hackathon Q1 2016 - 48 Slides Bird's eye view.
- E-Commerce Frameworks are a real option - Marcel Hild from About You explained advantages of Spryker at code.talks 2015.
- Does anyone have experiences with spryker (commerce framework)? - Interesting conversation between CTO Fabian and some devs, give some insights about ideas behind patterns used in spryker.
- Spryker commerce framework in a nutshell - Fabian explains Spryker at code.talks 2016 commerce special.
- Tech Blog on Medium - Looks like its a deprecated blog, but still interesting content there.
- Static Analysis - Shopsys, Spryker & Sylius under Static Analysis.
- Load Test from 2016 - Quite old but the only official announced load test so far.
- How to Smoothly Release Split Repositories - Nice insights in git sub tree.
- State Machine Cookbook - They do it right, they know, how to handle states and transitions.
- Usergroup Munich - User Group in Munich.
- Usergroup Karlsruhe - User Group in Karlsruhe.
- Usergroup Cologne - User Group in Cologne.