Android project with sbt 0.13.8, Scala 2.11.7 and android-sdk-plugin 1.4.4
- Java 1.7+
- Android SDK
Also you can use script to install Android SDK
$ ./
$ ./
To compile and build
$ ./sbt android:packageDebug
To run test with Robolectric (not needed device) just type
$ ./sbt test
You have to import project from Intellij IDEA (I use version 14.1) or Android Studio
Choose SBT project and Android SDK like this
Probably you want to run project from IDE, so just make new "Android application" run configuration
In "Before launch" section you should remove "Make" command and add "Run external tool" with ./sbt android:packageDebug
Also you may want to use a good emulator, so I prefer Genymotion emulator