Automation whatsapp DON'T use it for spam
$ git clone
$ cd whatsapp_bot
$ mkdir config && touch config/
$ mkdir -p config/session && touch config/session/session.ini
$ touch
$ echo "
session_id = ''
executor_url = ''
" > config/session/session.ini
$ chmod +x
$ chmod +x
Go to your favorite web browser and find the user data folder, here you have the firefox default directory. Once you have it:
$ echo "USER_DATA_PATH = 'path/to/your/user/data/folder'" > config/
Download "geckodriver" from here. Then:
$ tar -xvzf geckodriver*
$ chmod +x geckodriver
$ sudo mv geckodriver /usr/bin/
Define the messages you want to be sent by oppening
, look at the following example.
messages = {
'contact 1' : """
The message for the contact 1.
The last line will be sent alone as it has a \\n at the end of the line.
'contact 2' : """This message will be sent all together because it doesn't have a endline character. This one also.""",
Open a bash (main bash) in the folder, install the requirements.txt and do the following.
$ ./
Scan the QR code (I couldn't automate this step), and in another bash.
$ ./
Modify the instance for the purpose you want to use it.
IMPORTANT: to close the webdriver just press enter in the main bash, this will automatically close the webdriver. Or you can call the close_father_webdriver(drive) method to it.
See more about selenium here. And for the options: Firefox, Chrome, ...