This is a simple api to get information of stocks at stock market. Custom price notifications given high and low thresholds.
- Create your telegram bot. Follow instructions.
- Get you telegram chat id.
$ git clone
$ cd trader_API
$ mkdir config && touch config/ && touch config/ && touch config/ && touch config/
$ echo "
TOKEN = 'your-bot-token'
MI_CHAT_ID = you-chat-id ### int format e.g. 123456789
" > config/
$ echo "
RPi_relax_time = 10.0
# you have a limit of 2000 requests/hour or 48000 requests/day (market open 9 h/day)
# time_h >= Nºstock * 3600 / 2000 --------> per hour
# time_d >= Nºstock * 3600 * 9 / 48000 ---> per day
# RPi_relax_time = max(time_h,time_d)
CRYPTO_time = 10.0
" > config/ # if you overpass the limit you won't get the web actualized
$ chmod +x
Install requirements.txt
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you don't have pip install it (python3-pip).
Open "config/" and modify the dictionary as you want. For example:
stocks = {
"GME" : {'high' : 225.0 , 'low' : 170.0 },
"AMC" : {'high' : 14.0 , 'low' : 9.0},
"PLUG" : {'high' : 40.0 , 'low' : 30.0},
Finally run the bot with the following comand.
$ ./
Change the RPi_relax_time
in the file "config/" deppending on the CPU usage you want to be used and if you need very high precision use RPi_relax_time = 0.0
(if you use a regular PC use 0.0
IMPORTANT!!! if you overpass the requests limit you won't get the web actualized.
Open "config/" and modify the dictionary as you want. For example:
cryptos = {
"DOGE-USD" : {'high' : 0.45 , 'low' : 0.33},
"BTC-USD" : {'high' : 70000.0 , 'low' : 60000.0},
Finally run the bot with the following comand.
$ ./
Change the CRYPTO_time
in the file "config/" deppending on the CPU usage you want to be used and if you need very high precision use CRYPTO_time = 10
(if you use a regular PC use 0.0
IMPORTANT!!! if you overpass the requests limit you won't get the web actualized.
- Buy notice
- Sell notice
- After-hours and pre-market report and analysis
- Threaded version