This is the New Testament in Danish, authorized by King Frederik the 6th in 1819 and published by the Danish Bible Society in the same year.
Public Domain. Copy freely.
- Ole Madsen (initial typist)
- Henrik West (corrections)
- Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen (current maintainer).
Send corrections and comments to ulrikp-at-scripturesys-dot-com
Or send Ulrik a pull request via Github.
Ulrik doesn't know which editions were used by Ole Madsen and Henrik Westh.
Ulrik typed the chapter introductions, and some of the footnotes, from the following edition:
Vor Herres of Frelsers
Jesu Christi
Nye Testament.
Bibelselskabet for Danmark.
Fr. Bagges Bogtrykkeri
- Text complete and vigorously proofread.
- Footnotes complete and proofread.
- Chapter introductions complete and proofread.
Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen
Last update of this README: 2018-11-11