A responsive dashboard made with Sass
Astor Dashboard is a Bootstrap-based dashboard made with Sass. It was originally based on Dashgum, made by BlackTie. Astor Dashboard is focused on providing a starting design for applications made with Laravel.
bower install astor-dashboard
- jquery.scrollTo
- jquery.bandoneon
- DataTables
- Select2
- bootstrap-checkbox
- bootstrap-datetimepicker
- bootstrap-slider
- typeahead.js
- bootstrap3-typeahead
In order to generate a customized CSS you'll need to install some additional dependencies using npm.
sudo npm install
Astor Dashboard uses gulp to convert its Sass files to CSS. You can build the project by simply putting
Sass files are located in the dist/sass/ folder. The project uses its own files for building Select2, bootstrap-datetimepicker, bootstrap-slider and DataTables. Configuration values are located in dist/sass/dashboard/_variables.scss.
Licensed under the MIT License. Enjoy!