This repository contains the code for a reinforcement learning experimentation on the Frozen Lake 8x8 environment. The following algorithms are implemented:
- Sarsa
- Expected Sarsa
- Q-Learning
- Double Q-Learning
The experiments are conducted using a custom epsilon greedy policy, which decays linearly from 1.0 to 0.01 over the course of 3 million steps. The performance of each algorithm is evaluated on a set of 100 episodes, and the results are logged to TensorBoard.
- Python 3.7+
- NumPy
- Gym
- TensorBoard
To run the experiments, run the following command:
This will train and evaluate each algorithm for 3 million steps and log the results to TensorBoard.
To view the TensorBoard logs, run the following command:
tensorboard --logdir logs
This will open a web browser at http://localhost:6006 where you can view the results.
The following observations can be made from the TensorBoard logs:
- All four algorithms learn to solve the Frozen Lake 8x8 environment with sufficiently low epsilon decay.
- Q-Learning outperforms the other algorithms in terms of average reward per episode.
- Sarsa and Expected Sarsa have similar performance.
- Double Q-Learning performs slightly worse than Sarsa and Expected Sarsa.
These experiments show that all four algorithms are able to learn to solve the Frozen Lake 8x8 environment. However, Q-Learning outperforms the other algorithms in terms of average reward per episode.
We also used Optuna to find the best set of hyperparameters for the Q-Learning algorithm. The best hyperparameters for the stochastic environment are as follows:
Discount rate: 0.9961459723114788
Learning rate: 0.06698053340104898
Higher discount rates and lower learning rates tend to perform better as indicated by Optuna
Once the Q-table has been trained, we can evaluate its performance by playing the game using the max policy. We do this by running the following code:
This code will evaluate the Q-table by playing 100 episodes of the game and reporting the average reward and number of steps per episode.
These hyperparameters achieve an average reward of 0.71 on the stochastic environment, which is significantly better than the baseline of 0.54. This shows that hyperparameter optimization can be a very effective way to improve the performance of reinforcement learning agents.