there are some scripts and some funcs that useful when do some batch works
make yourself at home
these tools maybe write by python,batch,c++,some from my work,some from my blog
- find_all_picture,replace my blog img and upload or download them
- seed,update the seed libary
- maya,some shot script about maya
- Activation,software activation method
- RVO2_Example,replace the origin spheres example,visiualized by maya
- CodeSinppet,just some maya or c++ code sinppet for quick copy
- GetRSSI,get every remote client rssi by ssh
- Measure_Wind_Speed,get wind speed from log txt
- PDF2JPEG,cut pdf to jpeg
- Query_Subnet_IP,query all subnet ip,find which is online
- Raspberry_Auto_Change_IP,batch change Raspberry ip by ssh
- SSH_SCP,replace remote client file by SSH SCP
- Close_or_open_mav,a mix of Query_Subnet_IP and SSH_SCP
- 一键改IP,change local pc ip by one click
- 一键刷机,flash firmware by one click
- 一键提取特定文本内容,get specific content from a txt by batch
- delete,Recycle.exe could delete file into the recycle where the delete file could recover
- 蚁群算法-matlab,Ant Clony Optimization by matlab
- Artificial Potential Field Method, a particle goal target like maya particle goal,but it's awsful. It mix RVO and Artificial Potential Field
- ECE375,ECE375 Final Project report and asm,all work
- DeleteCode,it's about the code i deleted
- data analysis,use for ICAT color analysis terminal geting RGBI data
- plot_RGB_chromaticities_in_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1931,show RGB anchor on diagram CIE1931
- chaojiying_Python,chaojiying captcha demo
- AutoReplay_douban, auto replay douban and recgnize captcha
- graph coloring,graph vertex coloring, find white point and show rgb curve
- APF-Simulator, Artificial Potential Field simulator
- GD32F450VI,modified STM32HALF4 library
- BLH,for BLH_music and decrypt,dump settings
- check_ip,use for get ip region
- DCTrack,a dc track api api
- Foxit PDF Page Organizer,FPDFPO for unlock pdf protect
- git_commit_info,use for c get commit id
- qq,for delete user in group
- qqbot,a qq channel bot test demo
- show_yuv,show yuv data img
- VS-TT,a visual sutido text templete for auto generating version