This code is being created for YRI, by Sarah & Ellen. This site was designed by Storm, Asha, Teresa, & Ellen.
This code is used in conjunction with the first version of the Local Ground Web Development Toolkit, hereafter wdk. The Five Dollar Challenge portion of the code consists of:
- A base HTML file (index.html)
- A configuration file (config.js), which defines the data sources, as well as what should get loaded where when different bookmarks are accessed
- A require-config.js file. Do not edit this file.
- A functions file (function.js), which houses some custom functions that the config file accesses.
- A templates directory of HTML templates
- A css directory of styles
- An assets directory of static images
In order for the Five Dollar Challenge website to work with the wdk, three things need to happen:
- The site needs to be viewed on a server (e.g.; http://localhost/index.html); not locally (e.g. file:///your_folder/index.html).
- The config file needs to be configured according to the wdk configuration file specification (documented in the section below).
- The following needs to be included at the bottom of index.html:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="require-config.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
require(["", "config.js"], function(App) {
pages: pages,
datasets: datasets
Note: this set up will ultimately be much simpler (the require.js stuff will go away and you'll just have to include a single JavaScript file). Just bear with us for now.
The config file requires that you define two JavaScript objects:
- datasets: a dictionary of the various API endpoints (and parameters) from which the data will be sourced
- pages: a dictionary of each "page" in the website. Pages are really just HTML and/or JavaScript snippets that get injected into the page when a user executes on a particular event (i.e., usually an HTML bookmark, via an anchor tag).
Each dataset entry consists of a key -- an an arbitrary dataset name that you make up (e.g. "fdc_data") -- and three properties:
- api_endpoint (string): a URL to the API endpoint to be used.
- page_size (integer): The maximum number of entries you would like to return for each query.
- server_query (string): The criteria by which you would like to filter your queries.
Each page entry consists of a key -- an arbitrary page name that you make up (e.g. "splash") -- and several properties:
- type (string, optional, default value: "basic"):
specifies the type of page to load. Valid values are:
- mapbox: loads a mapbox map
- list: loads in a list of data from an API endpoint
- detail: loads a single data entry (from an API endpoint)
- basic: Just loads a plain HTML template
- url (string, optional): specifies that the snippet will only load if the url specified is called. If no url is specified, the page loads right away
- urls (list, optional): if you want the same page to load for multiple urls.
- template_path (string, required for "basic" and "detail" types): specifies the location of the HTML template, which is located in the "templates" directory
- region (css selector string, required for all types except for "mapbox"): specifies where, in the main page (index.html), the template should be injected into. For instance, for the "splash" page (below), the "splash.html" template will be injected into the "#splash" selector (container where id="splash") on the index.html page.
- postRender (function, optional): function that gets called after the page loads. All functions must be defined in the functions.js file.
- transition (function, optional): function that gets called while the new page is loading; often an animation.
There are also some additional configuration options that are type-specific:
- type: "mapbox"
- accessToken: your mapbox access token.
- styleID: your mapbox style ID
- markerColor: color of the marker
- zoom: initial zoom level of the map
- center: intial map center point ([lat, lng]). Example: [39.889, -97.114]
- dataset: datasource for the markers
- markerURL: when you click a marker, what url route to load
- type: "list"
- dataset: the datasource for the list of data.
- collection_template_path: the template that holds the entire list (see "place-list.html" for more details)
- item_template_path: the template that holds each individual entry (see "place-item.html" for more details). Note the variable substitution notation, which corresponds to the dataset returned by the API endpoint
- type: "detail"
- dataset: the datasource for the list of data.
- url: special convention: uses the :id parameter to specify which id, specifically, will be queried by the endpoint. See the "foodDetailPage" below