A Swift implementation of an international email address syntax validator based on RFC822, RFC2047, RFC5321, RFC5322, and RFC6531. Since email addresses are local @ remote the validator also includes IPAddressSyntaxValidator and the SwiftPublicSuffixList library.
This Swift Package does not require an Internet connection at runtime and the only dependency is the SwiftPublicSuffixList library.
You can use The Swift Package Manager to install SwiftEmailValidator by adding it to your Package.swift file:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyApp",
targets: [],
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/ekscrypto/SwiftEmailValidator.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.2"))
By default, domains are validated against the Public Suffix List using the SwiftPublicSuffixList library.
- Due to the high number of entries in the Public Suffix list (>9k), the first validation may add 100ms to 900ms depending on the device you are using. If this is unacceptable you can pre-load on a background thread PublicSuffixRulesRegistry.rules prior to using EmailSyntaxValidator.
- The Public Suffix List is updated regularly. If your application is published regularly you may be fine by simply pulling the latest version of the SwiftPublicSuffixList library. However it is recommended to have your application retrieve the latest copy of the public suffix list on a somewhat regular basis. Details on how to accomplish this are available in the SwiftPublicSuffixList library page. You can then use the domainValidator parameter to specify the closure to use for the domain validation. See "Using Custom SwiftPublicSuffixList Rules" below.
- You can bypass the Public Suffix List altogether and use your own custom Regex if desired. See "Bypassing SwiftPublicSuffixList" below.
Simple use-cases:
if EmailSyntaxValidator.correctlyFormatted("[email protected]") {
print("[email protected] respects Email syntax rules")
if let mailboxInfo = EmailSyntaxValidator.mailbox(from: "[email protected]") {
// mailboxInfo.email == "[email protected]"
// mailboxInfo.localPart == .dotAtom("santa.claus")
// mailboxInfo.host == .domain("northpole.com")
if let mailboxInfo = EmailSyntaxValidator.mailbox(from: "\"Santa Claus\"@northpole.com") {
// mailboxInfo.email == "\"Santa Claus\"@northpole.com"
// mailboxInfo.localPart == .quotedString("Santa Claus")
// mailboxInfo.host == .domain("northpole.com"")
Allowing IPv4/IPv6 addresses
if EmailSyntaxValidator.correctlyFormatted("email@[]", allowAddressLiteral: true) {
print("email@[] also respects since address literals are allowed")
if let mailboxInfo = EmailSyntaxValidator.mailbox(from: "email@[IPv6:fe80::1]", allowAddressLiteral: true) {
// mailboxInfo.email == "email@[IPv6:fe80::1]"
// mailboxInfo.localPart == .dotAtom("email")
// mailboxInfo.host == .addressLiteral("IPv6:fe80::1")
Validating Unicode emails encoded into ASCII (RFC2047):
if let mailboxInfo = EmailSyntaxValidator.mailbox(from: "=?utf-8?B?7ZWcQHgu7ZWc6rWt?=", compatibility: .asciiWithUnicodeExtension) {
// mailboxInfo.email == "=?utf-8?B?7ZWcQHgu7ZWc6rWt?="
// mailboxInfo.localpart == .dotAtom("한")
// mailboxInfo.host == .domain("x.한국")
Validating Unicode emails with auto-RFC2047 encoding:
if let mailboxInfo = EmailSyntaxValidator.mailbox(from: "한@x.한국", options: [.autoEncodeToRfc2047], compatibility.asciiWithUnicodeExtension) {
// mailboxInfo.email == "=?utf-8?b?7ZWcQHgu7ZWc6rWt?="
// mailboxInfo.localpart == .dotAtom("한")
// mailboxInfo.host == .domain("x.한국")
Forcing ASCII-only compatibility:
if !EmailSyntaxValidator.correctlyFormatted("한@x.한국", compatibility: .ascii) {
// invalid email for ASCII-only support
if EmailSyntaxValidator.correctlyFormatted("[email protected]", compatibility: .ascii) {
// Email is valid for ASCII-only systems
If you implement your own PublicSuffixList rules, or manage your own local copy of the rules as recommended:
let customRules: [[String]] = [["com"]]
if let mailboxInfo = EmailSyntaxValidator.mailbox(from: "[email protected]", domainValidator: { PublicSuffixList.isUnrestricted($0, rules: customRules)}) {
// mailboxInfo.localPart == .dotAtom("santa.claus")
// mailboxInfo.host == .domain("northpole.com")
The EmailSyntaxValidator functions all accept a domainValidator closure, which by default uses the SwiftPublicSuffixList library. This closure should return true if the domain should be considered valid, or false to be rejected.
if let mailboxInfo = EmailSyntaxValidator.mailbox(from: "santa.claus@Ho Ho Ho North Pole", domainValidator: { _ in true }) {
// mailboxInfo.localPart == .dotAtom("santa.claus")
// mailboxInfo.host == .domain("Ho Ho Ho North Pole")
if IPAddressSyntaxValidator.matchIPv6("::1") {
print("::1 is a valid IPv6 address")
if IPAddressSyntaxValidator.matchIPv4("") {
print(" is a valid IPv4 address")
if IPAddressSyntaxValidator.match("") {
print(" is a valid IP address")
if IPAddressSyntaxValidator.match("fe80::1") {
print("fe80::1 is a valid IP address")
Allows to decode ASCII-encoded Latin-1/Latin-2/Unicode email addresses from SMTP headers
// hé[email protected]
// 한@x.한국
RFC822 - STANDARD FOR THE FORMAT OF ARPA INTERNET TEXT MESSAGES https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc822
RFC2047 - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2047
RFC5321 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5321
RFC5322 - Internet Message Format https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322
RFC6531 - SMTP Extension for Internationalized Email https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6531