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EIC Phoenix based event display

Frontend CI/CD Workflow

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Development server

Run ng serve in firebird-ng for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Firebird Data Exchange format

Data exchange is both JSON and Javascript object compatible.

It starts with version, any custom origin info and a list of entries. In HENP physics entry may correspond to event data.

        "version": "0.01",
        "origin": {any custom origin info here"},
        "entries": [
          entry1, entry2, ...
  • version - is JSON schema version
  • origin - designed for any general custom info such as original file name, timestamp, simulation software version, etc.
  • entries - list of entries/events. The format is below.

Entry format

Entry is an object with id and components properties. By design components represent different hits, tracks, vertices, collections, etc. While can be any arbitary data, that will be further rendered by the frontend.

  "id": "entry number or unique string",
  "components": [

requrired fields are id and components.

Component format

  • "name": unique string id
  • "type": string with type (depends on what component will be used in the frontend to render it)
  • "originType": optional string with type of origin, e.g. "edm4eic::TrackerHitData",
  • all other fields are depend on "type"

So far example of exchange format looks like (only required fields are used here):

  "version": "0.01",
  "entries": [
      "id": "event 0",
      "components": [
          "name": "BarrelVertexHits",
          "type": "HitBox",

HitBox component

  "pos": [1, 2, 3],
  "dim": [10, 10, 1],
  "t": [4, 1],
  "ed": [0.001, 0.0001]

Hit has

  • "pos": position [mm] (x, y, z),
  • "dim": box dimensions [mm] (dx, dy, dz),
  • "t": time information [ns] (time, err_time),
  • "ed": energy deposit with error [GeV] (edep, err_edep)

TypeScript Event Model

The Firebird Data Exchange model provides a structured way to serialize and deserialize event data. This model is implemented in TypeScript and designed to be extensible, allowing users to add their own custom components without modifying the core parsing logic.

The implementation consists of several TypeScript classes and interfaces that mirror the data exchange format and provide methods for serialization and deserialization.

  • DataExchange class - Represents the entire data exchange object.
  • Entry class - Represents an individual event entry.
  • EntryComponent abstract class - A base class representing a generic entry component. Described below.

It Typescript Firebird Data Exchange often referenced as Dex (Data EXchange). E.g. toDexObject, fromDexObject. DexObject is a JS object, that if serialized to JSON would correspond a part of DataExchangeFormat. E.g. Dex HitBox will have pos, dim etc.

We can put it differently. In general JSON format is very close to object definition in JS => TS. But despite that, Firebird JSON format is just a data exchange layer and when deserialized from JSON is not designed to be a 100% a convenient to work with JS data structure. More over, it lacks some methods and abstractions, that our domain data-model should have, such as links between event model and three.js rendering tree objects.


  • Firebird Data Exchange - is JSON schema shaping data exchange between backend and frontend
  • DexObject - JSON parsed to JS object
  • TypeScript event model - Frontend set of classes mimicking DexObject structure but designed to be convenient in terms of the frontend API

EntryComponent machinery

Different collection of objects such as hits, tracks, vertexes, etc. that firebird can work with are represented as various event or Entry Component-s. Each type derive from EntryComponent and registered in a system. Then corresponding Painters classes know how to render/paint them, there are rules how to display them in tables, etc.

  • EntryComponent An abstract class representing a generic entry component.

  • Contains common properties:

    • name: Unique identifier.
    • type: Component type (used for determining the appropriate factory).
    • originType: Optional string indicating the origin type.
  • Declares an abstract method toDexObject() that must be implemented by subclasses.

  • EntryComponentFactory Interface: Defines a factory for creating EntryComponent instances from Dex objects - deserialized data.

  • Component Registry: A mapping of component types to their corresponding factories.

  • Functions:

    • registerComponentFactory(factory: EntryComponentFactory): Registers a new factory.
    • getComponentFactory(type: string): Retrieves a factory based on the component type.

Extending the Model

Adding a New Component Type

To add a new component type, follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Component Class: Extend EntryComponent and implement the toDexObject() method.

    export class CustomComponent extends EntryComponent {
      static type = 'CustomType';
      // Define additional properties
      constructor(name: string, /* additional parameters */, originType?: string) {
        super(name, CustomComponent.type, originType);
        // Initialize additional properties
      toDexObject(): any {
        return {
          type: this.type,
          originType: this.originType,
          // Serialize additional properties
  2. Create a Factory for the Component: Implement EntryComponentFactory for your component.

    export class CustomComponentFactory implements EntryComponentFactory {
      type: string = CustomComponent.type;
      fromDexObject(obj: any): EntryComponent {
        const name = obj["name"];
        // Extract additional properties
        const originType = obj["originType"];
        // Validate required fields
        if (!name /* || missing other required fields */) {
          throw new Error("Missing required fields in CustomComponent");
        return new CustomComponent(name, /* additional parameters */, originType);
  3. Register the Factory: Use the registerComponentFactory() function to register your component factory.

    // Register the custom component factory
    registerComponentFactory(new CustomComponentFactory());
  4. Update JSON Parsing Logic: No need to modify existing parsing logic. The registry will dynamically resolve the new component type.