Shared Meal is a place to connect with others, break bread and share a meal.
If you're out dining on your own, why not post a meal? A fellow user can see who'll be dining in their area and join you.
What connections or conversations can be built over the time of one meal? That's up to you. This is more about community and less about commitment.
Share the empty seats at your table, be nice and split the bill (or ask for separate tabs).
- A user can log into the site.
- A user can have and update a profile.
- A user can create a meal (event).
- A user can see a map with restaurants and bars within their general area.
- A user can see other user's profiles.
- A user can see active meals (events) within their general area.
- A meal (event) can include map information for a specific restaurant or bar.
- A meal (event) will close at a specified time (end of day of meal or otherwise specified by user).
- A user can have many meals (events).
- A meal (event) will be created by a single user.
- A user can log into the site.
- A user can have and update a profile.
- A user can create a meal (event).
- A user can see other user's profiles.
- A user can see active meals (events).
App has been deployed to Heroku, however:There are persistent "Internal Server Errors".Heroku logs indicate ActiveRecord timeouts after 5 seconds.
- Need to include error handling.
Need to continue CSS styling.- Need to incorporate Google Maps API.
- A user can see active meals (events) within their general area.
- A meal (event) can include map information for a specific restaurant or bar.
- A meal (event) will close at a specified time (end of day of meal or otherwise specified by user).