LadyProblems Hackathon 2016: Her Health
Let's face it: It's difficult to discuss health concerns! They're too personal, too embarrassing, or too inappropriate to discuss in most environments.
And when you do finally find someone who miraculously has had the same problem or procedure and is willing to share that information with you, they can't remember the cost of it, or they don't know what insurance they had at the time. Perhaps the information is very outdated - they don't remember the year the procedure took place. And assuming someone has all of this information, how do you compare the prices and outcomes of the procedures between age, race, or locale? You're left performing a google search and hoping something of value pops up...
Lady Pro Tips is a 5.0 Rails web app developed by Caitlin, Elizabeth, and Erica that endeavors to solve this problem by crowdsourcing information that users can share with varying degrees of anonymity.
Feel more confident walking into a doctor's office or hospital. Have an idea of what your initial cost, bill items, and insurance coverage might be. Study the experiences of others who can more comfortably share their stories without divulging identifiers like name or location.
Enjoy (and please contribute to!) Lady Pro Tips!