This utility exists because feeding a template using javascript should be "a piece of cake". You certainly don't need to be dealing with all sort of crazy sintax and place holders when there is a much simpler, straight forward and efficient aproach.
Feed JS tries it best to adhere to simplicity, while keeping things flexible and smart.
None :)
If you want to use Feed JS at string level prototype then all you need to do is call the following method (once) at the begining of your application.
Feeding a template with a simple JSON.
var template = "Hello {{name}}";
var data = { name: 'World' };
Feed( template, data ); // "Hello World"
Feeding a template with a JSON array.
var template = "Hello {{name}}";
var data = [ {name:'foo'}, {name:'var'} ];
Feed( template, data, 'json' ); // ["Hello foo", "Hello var"]
Feeding a template with a JSON header array. In this case the first element of the array is a JSON object and its properties contain the index at which their values are on the subsequet rows.
var data = [
{ name: 0, email: 1 },
[ 'Maria', '[email protected]' ],
[ 'Jose', '[email protected]' ],
[ 'Pedro', '[email protected]' ],
[ 'Arturo', '[email protected]' ]
Feed( "{{name}}: {{email}}", data );
// ["Maria: [email protected]", "Jose: [email protected]", "Pedro: [email protected]", "Arturo: [email protected]"]