This is a small code challenge used as part of our interview process.
You need to create a GitHub Viewer application where users can insert a specific repository and se information about it.
- User type a repository
- The application shows up issues all issues related to that repository.
- User should be able to filter by all, open, closed or pull requests.
This is the same challenged implemented as a reference:
We'd like to see this challenged implemented using this stack:
- Next.js using Static Site Generation whenever possible
- TypeScript
- GraphQL with Apollo (This is the GitHub GraphQL API:
You can change/improve the UI if you want.
If you find time, it'd be great to see this implemented:
- Unit tests using Testing Library
- Be creative and surprise us, if you have a cool idea to implement go for it.
We want to see how do you organize and structure your code int terms of reusability and maintainability.
Good luck!