Install gulp-jsdoc
as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev gulp-jsdoc3
var jsdoc = require('gulp-jsdoc3');
gulp.task('doc', function (cb) {
gulp.src(['', './src/**/*.js'], {read: false})
You can also pass in your own config to override the defaults. All CLI options can be specified here.
var jsdoc = require('gulp-jsdoc3');
gulp.task('doc', function (cb) {
var config = require('./jsdoc.json');
gulp.src(['', './src/**/*.js'], {read: false})
.pipe(jsdoc(config, cb));
Another good example is in this project's gulpfile!
ink-docstrap is used as the default layout but you can easily override it in your config like this:
"templates": {
"default": {
// Set my own layout file
"layoutFile": "./layout.tmpl"
Set env variable: DEBUG=gulp-jsdoc3
This is a reasonable attempt to wrap jsdoc using gulp as thinly as possible. All files are added after the cli.
i.e. jsdoc -c config -t node_modules/ink-docstrap/template gulpFile1 gulpFile2
jsdoc does not allow for piped input, so this attempt may be considered a gulp
anti-pattern. It also does not pass on output to be piped elsewhere.
I would like to thank Mangled Deutz @ gulp-jsdoc for the original implementation.